Chapter 23: Fixing the Problem

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*Brittany's POV* 

I quickly scroll through the pages looking for that horrible headline! I mean why would the paparazzi think that we hate dolphins, we certainly don't! We were helping the poor thing for goodness sake!

Then I find the page. I read and read and read...done, some of the things they say in here are unbelievable.. I look up to find Liam reading over my shoulder.

"Can you believe this?" I exclaim

Liam just shrugs his shoulders.

"Well what are we gonna do?"

"Love, it's part of being a celebrity. You'll get used to it after a while."

"Liam, now everyone that reads this is going to think that we hate animals!"

"We need to clear all of this up!" I continue

The ideas start to pile in my brain. We could go on the radio and tell everyone that it's a lie, or tv..the list could go on and on..but then another bright idea of mine comes to my mind(it happens all the me) what if I found a megaphone and just announced it right now that we don't hate dolphins or any kind of animals..I have been around animals all my life why would I not like them! 

"Liam I will be right back...just stay here!" I procede with my plan to go and find a megaphone.

Where could I find a megaphone? hmmm.... I walk to a vendor and I ask if he knew anyone that had a megaphone. He seemed confused. Then he walked into the back of his tent and started talking Spanish to someone! 

Oh great! In school I never understood why we had to learn another language, but now I am glad I didn't skip spanish class like some of my friends! *cough cough Emily* I try to remember some of the spanish that i had learned! Well here goes nothing.....

"Hola mi amor!" I say

He gives me a weird look!  What did I say to him? Then I means "Hello my love!" Oh no!!! This guy must think I am crazy!

Think! Brittany think!!!! 

"Hola mi llamo es Brittany me preguntaba si usted tiene un megáfono?"(thank you google traslate)

"Si, lo creo ... hay uno en la parte posterior!" (yes there is one in the back) I was'nt quite sure what he said but I heard "Si" and that means yes! He walks away and comes back with a megaphone!!

"Gracias!" I say and run over to Liam! 

"Look what I have!" I exclaim waving the megaphone around.

"And what do you think of doing with that megaphone Brittany?" He questions

"I am going to fix our little problem!" I say proudly holding up the megaphone.

Liam raises one eyebrow curiously...I could tell what he was thinking and I answer "You'll see!''

I raise the megaphone to my lips.

"Hello everyone, I am sure all of you have read this magazine, I say holding up the magazine, and I am sure you have read the article about Liam and I hating dolphins! Well, I want to announce that Liam and I love animals and would never hurt one ever! The paparazzi are just making up lies as they always do! We were actually helping the dolphin it was beached and we helped it back out to deeper water! So there you have it! Just wanted to clear things up!" I rant, noticing that some people were listening but not as many as I hoped! When I finished, it seemed like people didn't car, they just carried on with their shopping! 

I am unsure what to do..people are NOT like this in Wisconsin!

"Britt, can I speak to you for a moment?" Liam interrupts my thought process.


"Brittany, this isn't going to work! You just have to ignore what the papparazzi said...and the only thing that matters is we know we didn't harm that dolphin! Let them think what they want!"

"But Liam!!" 

"No buts about it!" 

"Geeze I feel like I am a little kid!" I announce

A/N: sorry i havent updated in a while! i have been really busy with the fair etc.... this is like a short filler chapter! 

The Story of Brittany and Liam!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora