Who Are You?

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"Who are you?" I stuttered as I looked at the man in front of me.

"I'm number 5841172, I was sent here to find you Isabella." He replied

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" I blurted out quickly.

"Don't make me repeat myself Isabella" he spoke in a hushed but rigged tone that made my skin crawl in the strangest way.

"What do you want from me?"

Trying to avoid showing him how nervous I was I took a step forward. To my confusion he took a step back.

"I came to find you, but now I have to go."

Without another word he turned around and began walking away but I noticed a similar print on his neck because I had one too.

At that moment I knew two things.

One being this man was absolutely stunning. He looked as if he was from the movies casted as the star role

Two being..He had a barcode imprinted on his neck just as I did. In the same exact spot.

I couldn't move or call out his name as I was frozen, with my feet stuck to the pavement watching his silhouette disappear.

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