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It's been 4 days, 3 hours and 15 minutes since I found that article about Alice...4 entire days and I haven't been able to get her off my mind.

I've been thinking and trying to come up with a plan to investigate the situation on my own. Sure it might sound a tad crazy because I don't even know who this girl is but seeing as the article was published in Philadelphia I knew I'd have to look into it.

I lived in Brooklyn, New York meaning that if I looked into Alice I could possibly make my way down to Philly in about an 2-3 hours.

One thing I'm worried about is arriving to Philly and realising that the family had moved. The publication of the article was in the year of 2007 and we're currently in 2015. So that was something that could potentially be a problem.

Giving it a second thought I sit down on my twin bed that was covered in royal blue sheets. Breathing out I know I need to find Alice and her family.

Knowing they live in Philly, I grab my laptop and think of a way to find the family. I wanted to explore white pages, a cite that would give me the family's number and address but I decide against it. I didn't have the money to open a membership with White Pages and without one I'd only get a brief explanation on the family.

Laying flat on my bed, I grab my hair in frustration.

I literally had no other way to locate this family. Feeling desperate, pulling up the iMessage app on my MACBook I text Ethan.

Me: I'm really stressing. No leads and I think I might try to find Alice's family! I know they live in Philly but I don't have an address.. Hellpppp! X

Ethan's been my close friend since the 7th grade. Yes, he knows all about the mysterious attractive man that I came across and he also knows about Alice and the investigation I've been trying to solve.

Ethan: hello to you too princess Isabella, I'm willing to help you out if you don't think I'm crazy x

Me: You twat, I'm definitely sure I won't think you're crazy...I mean have you seen me. :D

Ethan: So, if I were you I'd try looking for Alice's grave. Pretty f ucking weird, I know. Buttttt I honestly think that's your best bet.

I've never thought that Ethan would actually come up with something so strange yet so helpful. Texting him a quick thank you I look back at my computer and type in Alice's full name.

Once again the article that I first came across pops up but right below it I find her funeral services. It tells me the date of her funeral along with the chapel she was going to have her viewing at. It was open services meaning anyone was allowed to come say their farewells to Alice.

Quickly scribbling down the address of the funeral home and chapel I make sure to text Ethan my plans

Me: I found her funeral home...I'm gonna go down there tomorrow morning. Wanna come?

Ethan: I can't babe! I have work. Sorry :/

I never got mad at Ethan for being too busy for me. It's something I actually understand very well. He's been working late shifts, early shifts, all shifts because he had to pay of his first year college loans. I don't blame him for wanting to get it out of the way. His interest rate was 8% and if he didn't get a move on it his loan would triple.

I never had that issue as my parents basically paid for my schooling. Although I did decide to call it quits for a year.

Knowing I'd be on my way to find out more information about Alice tomorrow I hurry to the bathroom to undress and freshen up before I go to bed.

I pull my hair into a ponytail as a skim my fingers against my birthmark. Every single time it gave me the chills.

Brushing my teeth I make sure to get all the right angles before rinsing my mouth and changing into booty shorts and my ex's t-shirt.

Tucking myself into bed I'm excited to finally get some rest and even more excited for tomorrow. Meeting Alice's family has lingered on my mind for nearly a week.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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