Chapter Four

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AN: This whole bit  below this paragraph is from way back in November but somehow I've neglected to post more on Wattpad when I have at least six chapters of it on Fanfiction. Sorry to any Wattpad readers who have been waiting on Clarity's return...

Well! Good news! After months of one of the worst episodes of writers block I've encountered I have a brand new chapter! :3 More good news! I've finally found my muse and they've been very helpful in keeping the creative ideas flowing! So, I'll save the apologizing for later and let you guys get straight into this brand new material! Hope you like it ;3



The room is silent save for the sound of lead scrawling against paper, to me a very comforting noise.

I had been writing for so long that the side of my hand was now a shiny metallic gray color, trailing light shading across the paper as it moved fluidly along the pages of my notebook.

Suddenly the serene quiet is broken by the beginnings of a song. The soft strumming of a guitar is quickly accompanied by a low male voice.

'Roses are red, and violets are blue, one day you'll cruise down Blood Gulch avenue,'

Before the next verse I've reached over to pick up my phone laying next to me, tapping the answer icon on the screen.

"Hello?" I ask, placing the iPhone to my ear.

"-so stupid," A familiar voice comes staticy and muffled through the phone.

"I know, there's no way she's really that naïve," Another voice adds.

"She's like a fucking puppy, following and obeying, especially with Ivy," A third now. "God, I can't stand that bitch either. I don't know what Brielle sees in her, she's such an attention whore,"

It's then that I realize these people, my friends, were talking about me, and it was quite apparent they had not called me intentionally or even knowingly.

"I don't know, she must just be too stupid to see what a bitch she really is,"

"Maybe it's cuz she's always stuck up on her little fantasy land where bad things never happen,"

"Probably, she's always saying things like how there's good in everyone and you should give people the benefit of the doubt, shit like that," Another adds. "That's gotta be how she's still friends with the bitch,"

"But still" Someone adds sounding exasperated.

"Yeah I know, I know," Says a voice, there is a pause before they add, as if remembering a fond memory. "How great is it though that the Facebook message we sent made the bitch cry and call Brielle with her sob story, god it was perfect,"

There are a few snickers and laughs of agreeal , "Pff, it was fuckin hilarious, I'm so glad we wrote that while Brielle was here so we could hear her stupid sobbing before she left the room with the phone,"

I had no idea what I was listening to... These were no friends of mine, these were cruel mean people with their voices.

I could not believe what I was hearing and I did not want to listen anymore.

"Yeah but who gives a crap, she's all about forgiving people, second chances n shit,"

"Mhmm, and third, and forth, and on and on and on,"

It did not matter how many times I mashed the end call button or tried to power off the phone completely. Even through the thick stuffing of my pillows their voices rang clear.

Clarity~ A Kyo Sohma Love Story (Fruits Basket)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant