Chapter Five

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This one is also wayyy late to wattpad, please ignore any tome discrepancies in the author's notes below ^^"

Hello again lovely readers! Happy new year!

I'm sorry for having yet another delay gettingthis chapter out, but like I promised, despite delays this story will continue on! With the holidays over and my work schedule slowing down for the moment though I should have a bit of extra time to dedicate to writing so hopefully I can pump out a good number of chapters before it picks up again :3 To those that are still sticking with this despite my hectic schedule and updates thank you so much! Also to those who continue to review both new readers and old thank you so very very much! To be 100% honest with you the reviews that I get in my inbox every now and then push me to write even through my toughest bouts of writers block. They really help me through it and I thank everyone who has ever left me a review because they really do keep me going!

Anyway, please enjoy chapter five lovely people! :3


"This is stupid!" Kyo shouts, striking the plain white wall next to him. Thankfully though there isn't much force behind it so the wall stays in tact. He was just trying to let off some steam not break the wall, otherwise there would've been a new entrance into the classroom by now.

"Its not that bad," I try to reason, sidestepping away just a bit from where he'd punched the drywall.

My words go ignored though as he continues muttering curses under his breath.

"Damn Shigure... Filthy damn Rat..."

I let out a low sigh and straighten out my skirt.

We'd picked up our uniforms earlier so Kyo wore the white trimmed black dress pants and shirt of the boy's uniform, the top button of the shirt left undone.

I'd opted for the shorter version of the cobalt blue skirt of the girls uniform. The top was a standard sailor style complete with white trim, blue stripes, and a small tie almost reaching the edge of the reverse 'v' cut at the hem.

I'd left my hair down, some of it falling over my shoulders and ending in loose ringlet like waves. On my outing the other day with Tohru I'd found a hair bow that I really loved. I do have to admit I have a bit of a hair bow problem, especially the themed ones, like Marvel, gaming, and Disney.

The one I wore now was a pretty red color I clipped on the right side of my head with two long trailing ribbons of marching color that I'd twirled into my wavy locks, now curling lightly over my shoulder.

Now though I found myself absentmindedly twirling the end of one of the ribbons around my finger as I leaned back into the wall behind me.

The teacher had walked into the classroom we'd been waiting outside of a few minutes ago and I could just barely hear her muffled voice as she addressed the class and got them to settle down.

"...ave two new transfer students joining us today," Her muffled voice traveled through the closed door.

"Well, that's our cue," I sigh, pushing off from the wall supporting me.

The anxious gnawing in my stomach only increases as it continues twisting itself in knots.

This was going to be fun...not.

"Screw that! I'm not going in there," Kyo argues, not moving an inch from his spot by the door.

"Don't you dare," I start, pointing a finger at him, "There is no fucking way you're making me go in there alone,"

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" He shouts in anger and surprise as I put my hands on his shoulders and start pushing him toward the door.

"I'm going to class, and so are you," I reply, my voice a bit strained. Damn he's fucking heavy...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2017 ⏰

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