You Trust Me?

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 I backed up, as the door flew open. Garroth stood there, his hand on the handle of his sword. Alexis's cries died down, and soon she peacefully went into her slumber. Garroth turned towards me, giving me a menacing glare from under his helm,

"What did you do to her?" he snarled. I was startled by his tone of voice,

"I did nothing! I swear! She just woke up--" I was interrupted when a young lady in a maidens dress burst in and started caressing Alexis's hair, tears stained her cheeks. She then jerked her head towards me, and her soft expression turned cold,

"YOU! What are you doing here?!?!" her eyes stared daggers at me, "What did you do to my baby girl?" Garroth answered for me,

"Zane wants to be apart of this village...don't worry Molly...I'll have a close eye on him," Molly looked at me, studying me up and down. She then nodded silently,

"Just make sure he stays away from Alexis.." she then turned back to her, as I slowly backed out of the room, Garroth closing the door. He took a deep breath, and looked at me.

"Zane, you have to--" he was cut off by a guy with pale blue eyes and sandy hair, the person who almost turned into a Shadow Knight, I thought he was blind...

"Garroth! We should--wait...what is ZANE doing here?" 'Laurence' was eyeing me suspiciously.

"He's fine, Laurence, now what were you going to tell me?" Laurence still seemed unsure, but he started to speak,

"I want to go after make sure she's safe," his voice was unsteady, as if he was readying for a an out-burst. Garroth paused, he took a deep breath,

"I'm sure she's fine, she can take care of herself....she's told us that many times," he said, as if reminding Laurence.

Laurence frowned, "Garroth...I know that, but there's O'kasis guards everywhere...your her head guard, come on! We have to make sure she's safe!"

"I would love to do that, but I have to keep an eye on know that," he made it sound as if I couldn't take of myself, I rolled my eyes.

"Then ask Brian to do it!!" Laurence said stubbornly. Garroth pondered on it for awhile, and he slowly nodded.

"I me at the docks at sun-set, Zane, come on," Laurence stepped out of the way, as I followed Garroth up the stairs. He opened the door, sunlight greeting me, as I stepped outside. I frowned at Garroth.

"So, your leaving me here? I thought you were supposed to be baby-sitting me," Garroth growled as I said that,

"I'm not LEAVING you here, I'm having Basil watch you," I was shocked,

"What about that Brian guy?" I asked.

"He's busy right now, Basil is still in town anyway," and he led me through the village. I was glad there was no one during the time because I would've gotten multiple glares. My feet soon stepped on hard diamond, there was so much covering the Pavilion it blinded me. A Lady Irene statue greeted me. I guess they found the cure...

"Hey guys!" a cheery voice, startled me, waking me from my thoughts. Basil smiled at us,

"Basil, can you watch over Zane, until I get back?" she tilted her head, confused,

"Get back from where?" she questioned, her eyes sparkled with wonder.

"Laurence and I are tracking down Lord Aphmau, meanwhile can you stay in the village and make sure Zane isn't trying anything funny?" she nodded,

"Sure can do,"

"Great," and he dashed off, he runs fast with full iron armor on...Basil faced me.

"SHOO!" she said pushing me, "BE FREE!" I slapped away her hands,

"Wha--? What are you doing?" she rolled her eyes,

"I trust you already, so go roam, just don't do anything bad or I might have to kill you,"

I frowned, "Gee...thanks," I said starting to walk off, I don't know what goes off in that girls mind. I started to walk in the out-skirts of town, avoiding towns people. It was quiet, unlike a day in O'kasis. Suddenly I head whispering and I stopped. It was coming from the forest. I slowly got closer, and pressed myself against an oak tree, making no sound so I could hear.

"When are we going to attack?" a voice whispered, I remember that was the guard who stopped me when I left O'kasis.

"Soon..just be patient...the king is still recovering from High Priest Zane's departure," another voice said, I guessed it was another guard, they were planning to attack?

There was a snarl, "How was I supposed to know he was planning to leave?"

There was a brief moment of silence, "No one is blaming you, now come, we must give the king feedback" I heard chainmail clank and soon it faded away. I sighed and rested against the tree trunk, watching the leaves sway and shadows cast. I was deep in my thoughts, wondering and wondering. Suddenly a voice cut through my thoughts.


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