Missing Royals

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A/N~ Icepick4202003 I have answered your prayers *heavenly music plays in the background*

Zane's POV~


I'm an idiot.

She really didn't do anything, and here I am, telling her off. I sounded like a jerk.

"Hey, Basil, I'm really sorry about that, I didn't mean to go off on you," I called out, pulling myself up. I wandered into the direction where she stormed off in.

"Basil...come on...I don't have time for this..." I stopped in the midst of the trees and looked around. No one called back, just the melodic chirping of the birds in the nearby trees.

I looked down at my feet and saw a shriveled up flower crown, buried in the fallen leaves and the tall grass. I bent down and picked it up, inspecting it. The flower crown was obviously stepped on and a brownish tint started to take over it. It was Basil's flower crown.

I stuffed the flower crown into my robes pocket, and got back up. I looked around once more and started to head back to Phoenix Drop. Maybe Basil headed over there

~Time Skip~

There was as bustling noise coming from the docks as I entered Phoenix Drop. A girl in a pink and black maids dress was heading over there, pink hair rested on her shoulders, as she muttered to herself.

I followed her, and climbed the steps which led to Aphmau's house. I looked over the hill and saw where the noise was coming from. A large group was gathered in front of a girl with a purple maidens outfit, a matching violet flower crown lopsided on her head as her black hair was tossed in the wind. A goofy smile was plastered on her face.

"Its so good to see all of you again!" the Lord exclaimed, starting to hug everyone in the radius of her. To the right of Aphmau was Laurence, his arms crossed against his chest and to the left of her was a blue haired man, two silver katana's both gripped in his hands. There was also 3 other people behind her, but they soon quickly gathered in the group.

Soon Aphmau bent down in front of a boy with blonde hair,

"Levin...this is Malachi...he's going to be your big brother.." she said softly, a small boy I hadn't noticed before stepped next to Aphmau, his figure transparent and a nervous look was painted on his face. Levin jumped up and down,

"YA! BWG BWOTHER!" he exclaimed happily, pulling at Malachi's hand. Malachi was astonished as he was pulled into Levin's hug, as people cooed.

I coughed, grabbing their attention. Heads turned as silence washed over the group. I let out a sigh.

"Wow...thanks for the warm welcome..." I said, folding my arms. Aphmau looked up at me and frowned,

"It's not like we always thought highly of you..." she shot back. I nodded a little, she had a point.

"Ok, fine you got me there, I just wanted to ask you a question...where's Garroth?" Aphmau sighed, pulling back a strand of loose hair behind her ear.

"Good question...I don't know. He disappeared when he went to gather materials for the ship," she gestured towards the ship that was tied onto a post on the deck.

"That's funny...Basil went missing recently...I thought she came back here..." I was stumped. Aphmau sighed, rubbing her temples,

"Ugh. Two missing villagers in one day..." she sighed, her eyes were foggy, a dull brown. She looked tired. I couldn't blame her, journeys can exhaust you.

I kept thinking...what does Garroth and Basil have related...

Well...Garroth is a head guard so he could be likely targeted for possible war...

Basil...well she was the first born princess of Scaleswind and nothing more...

Wait...if Garroth was the first born prince of O'kasis...then Basil the first born princess of Scaleswind...

And the marriage...

Oh no.....

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