chapter 3

355 13 14

ro POV

When I got home. I put the food away but left some out cause I was gonna cook dinner. Then my phone started ringing.

" hello?"

" hey it's tionne?"

" oh hey tionne"

" what you doing?"

" making dinner"

" oh that's cool. How about if I come over"

" sure"

" where do you live?" I gave her my address.

"OK I'll be over in ten min" ten minutes later after I finished cooking the doorbell rung, I walked to the door and opened it "hey tionne" I said letting her in "hey rozanda" she came in and looked around "nice place you got here" "thanks, dinner is ready so feel free to make your plate" "ok" we went to the kitchen and made our plates, we sat down, said grace and started eating. I would catch her staring at me every time I look up.

" why every time I look up you keep staring at me" I said laughing a little.

She chuckled " I can't help it, your so beautiful" she said looking at me. I blushed

"Thanks. No one ever said that to me except for my mom". I said looking down.

" really?"

" yeah"

" Um, I hope you don't mind me asking but why were you wearing sunglasses in the store. And your lip looked like it was swollen" I looked at her for a minute and then looked down.

" um... I uh..." I couldn't get the words out. Every time I think about it I start crying but I didn't want to cry in front of her. She got up and walked up to me and kneeled down in front of me and lift my chin up.

" you know you can tell me anything right? You don't have to be afraid" I looked into her eyes. I want to tell her but I'm scared. Just as I was about to say something the front door opened and lisa walked in. She looked at the both of us and you can tell she was pissed by the look on her face.

" who the fuck said you can have company!!?" She yelled. Now I was terrified.

" um.. Baby... I'm sorry"

" shut the fuck up I don't want to hear it!!" Then she looked at tionne and walked up to her.

" who the fuck are you!!?" She yelled at tionne. I can tell tionne was getting mad.

" first of all, stop yelling at me. Second, get the fuck out my face with that hot ass breath".

" OK can everybody just calm down please" I said

" SHUT UP BITCH!!" Lisa yelled at me. Then she punched in my face so hard that I went flying over the table.

" BITCH WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!?" I heard tionne say. Then tionne tackled Lisa on the floor and they started fighting. I felt light headed then everything went black.

( sorry it's short. Vote, comment)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2015 ⏰

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