New expirences

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Chapter 1 New school

I'm Jozene East. I had to move to a new school. We had to move out of our home town and into to a big city called High Lines due to being expelled from my old school, and mum losing her job. It doesn't matter though; I did want to get out of that shit hole anyway. But now mum has had enough, well, I suppose I would be too if my daughter got expelled 3 times in not even half a year. So now she's sending me to a boarding school. *Sigh*

As I walk into the school the principal spots me. She is better than I imagined she had wavy Blonde hair with black streaks. Tied into a ponytail and what looks like a green short frilly dress but when she got closer it was a curve dress. It looked perfect on her. She stopped in front of me "Miss East, welcome to High Lines College. I am Mrs Red the school principal, would you follow me please" Mrs Red was making me feel comfortable and at home already. I nodded and followed her we walked off towards a two story building. "Now most of the new kids would have the same gender in a senior year, be a big sibling for the first few terms. I've had to change that with you due to having so many girls joining late second term" at that point in time I started to feel uneasy. Most boys would just use me to get to their ex's.

We approached the front door and I realised it was to the senior year dorms. That was when Mrs Red spoke again "You're nervous. There's no reason to be the boy I've put you with won't do any inappropriate things. He's also easy to talk to as well due to your past I can understand that's also why I put him as a big brother for you." That's when I was went into a complete embarrassment mode I told mum not to tell. But I guess the principal needs to know how our life was so they can put us with the

right people, so we're not going to do anything stupid.

We walk into the senior building and walk up to the second floor and it seemed like forever. We started to walk down the hall and there were posters everywhere. They were all over walls. There was; Eminem, AC/DC, Green day, Kiss, Iron Maiden and Slayer. It reminds me of Mike's room one of the boys that used me to get to their ex's.

Mrs Red and I get to the end of the hall and stop at MD (Male Dorm) 97 and Mrs Red knocks on the door and a male's voice answers "who is it?" He had a toned voice not to deep but yet not to high "its principal Red, I have the new girl with me." His room went silent until we heard footsteps walking towards the door and he opened it. Damn he looked cute with them vibrant greeny-blue eyes and ruffled blond hair like he had just got out of bed and he had just. He had bright red jeans and a loose black top and bare feet. "Is she here today?" He had the blankest look on his face like it was still yesterday. That made me chuckle "what?" He looked at me confused. "I'm Jozene East", I told to the blank looking teen "Ryder Flood" He replied, "Nice to meet you" "same here." He didn't seem like much of a talker but he was damn cute.

It's been two hours and we haven't spoken too each-other at all and I'm walking around aimlessly doing nothing at lunch break because of the fact of having no friends at all it wasn't the same as my old college. But now its boarding school and there's not that reckless group anymore, everyone is so quiet. I look around and sit down on a chair by myself and look around again and see him. Ryder, he's talking to his friend's and surrounded by girls then I get it, he's the popular boy and I'm not his type. I thinking that made me get upset but I didn't show it.

I'm sitting there with no one at all but then one of the jocks starts to walk over causing Ryder to look over and give a dirty look at the jock and get up and walk over to him. He grabbed the jocks arm "Hunter. Stay. Away. From. The new-girl." Ryder said with a growl. "Why should I?" Hunter replied he had a strong muscular build he had a blue top with a loose un-zipped jersey jacket, track pants and black skate shoes, his dark brown hair was spiked. It looked like the tips had been sharpened. "What are you gunna do about it?" Hunter snapped acting tough. Ryder's friends got up and walk over to him coursing Hunter to step back. "I said Leave her alone. Do I have to repeat myself again?"

Hunter backed off even more, Ryder knew the answer and nodded, walking over to me and hunter runs off in a hurry. "Jozene come over with me and my friend's" he was so kind for someone who didn't talk to me for the first two to three hours, "Yeah sure, thanks..." I said nervously. He took my hand and basically dragged me over there. I blushed for a moment there and hoped he didn't see me but I'm sure his female friend did.

When we got over there I didn't say a word. Ryder introduced me as he sat down beside me "Gurus this is Jozene. Jozene this is Gurus." Gurus was Black boy but he wore bright colour T-shirt Yellow to be exact and purple jeans he was scrawny he had some muscle but not too much that it was over powering.

"Georgia." Now she was pretty. Her golden brown hair was curled and she had side fringe that cover half of one of her eyes. She was thin but a perfect build she was wearing a pink frilly tank top and with white skinny jeans and black high heels she was the one that saw me blush.

"Maxwell." I couldn't see his face he had a black hoodie that cover it, he was wearing black jeans but they had holes in the knees of them and the same skate shoes as hunter. He had his hands in his pocket you could tell he was the quiet one.

I didn't really talk at all that lunch I just sat there listening to their conversations. Most of the other girls just done the same thing to.

It came to the 3rd periode and I walked into class and there was Hunter at the back of the class.

"This is Gunna be fun" I mumbled to myself as he walked over to me. "Mr goodie two shoes won't be there to protect that cute ass of yours next time." I shrivelled down in my seat as he said that. He walked back to his chair and sat down. I didn't want to cross paths with him again...

It came to half way thro period 4 and Hunter was annoying me so bad it wasn't funny I got up and went to walk out of the class before I hurt someone."Jozene where do .you think your going?" Mrs Roller spoke so calmly. "I'm going outside for a bit miss my temper is rising. I don't want to hurt anyone" I replied in the same mannerly way. The voice I didn't want to hear came up as soon as I finished my sentience "stop acting so tough." Hunters voice rang thro my ears like a un-tuned violin. He just pushed me to far. Walking over him I grabbed the back of his head and slammed it into the table then ran off out the door.

I was sitting on the grass just outside the P.E. hall I knew that, that was Ryder's class I felt safe there. The end of class bell rang and Ryder was the last one out and he saw me..

He walked over to me "I heard what happened. Look I know Hunters a jerk but next time just come to me and I'll deal with him alright?" I nodded I knew that I shouldn't of done it but he's a jerk and the last jerk ended up in hospital.

We walked over to the principals office and Ryder walked in "you stay out here alright." He told me. "Alright" I said with a smile but I really wanted to go in. I wait out there for god knows how long and finely they both walked out Hunter had a blood nose and his forehead had bruising. Ryder walked out and raised an eyebrow at me and came over to me "you did some damage for one blow to the head" he didn't seem to care.

I walk back to my room and shut the door. I'd never predict what would happen in very first week of school.


End of chapter one da next one should be in a few weeks depends on how my school work is going be back soon.. :)


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