The Boy With the Long Black Hair.

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No signs of life.

Everyone down here is already dead. Killed recently by the looks of it...
There was no struggle at all.

Did someone have the same idea as I did?
No. Nothing's been taken.

How interesting....

That makes it oh~ so much easier for me! Although, it does take the fun out of it.
I've been itching for a fight...

The distant pop of a gunshot followed by a scream jostles me from my thoughts. I stop what I'm doing to listen, and when another shot echoes through the base, I release the corpse who's pockets I'd been rifling through back onto the floor with a thud.
I immediately head in the direction of the noise and feel for any aura as I walk. Other than primal fear, I can't sense anything.
Zetsu, perhaps?
The repetitive sound of a blunt object hitting flesh and bone gets louder as I approach the very last room at the end of the hall. Concealing my aura, I edge my way to the opening of the door to peer inside.
Held upright by fistfuls of long black hair is a badly beaten kid in an expensive, high-class looking kimono now drenched in his own blood.
Standing over the boy is an obviously ill-manner mobster that repeatedly strikes him with the butt of his gun. Unheard by the man, are pleas from two quivering henchmen standing off to the side as they beg their boss to ease up. But he either doesn't hear it, or elects to ignore them.

Normally, I would never interfere with the dealings of others, no matter how bloody the business may be. However, strangely, I find myself feeling sorry for the boy. He can't be much younger than I am. And even as he cries and chokes on his own blood, the man doesn't show a semblance of restraint.
As I take a moment to decide whether or not to mind my own business and look for anything of value in the other rooms, I spot three dead men opposite to the two still standing. When I move to get a better look, I step on something strange. Beneath my foot is a long, razor thin needle intended for covert slaughter. I pick it up and immediately feel the fading remnants of Nen circulating through the needle before quickly dissipating.
My gaze follows the pull of Nen back to the boy and it's then I notice multiple needles lying just outside of the boy's reach.
Did this kid do all of my killing for me?

My interest now piqued, I decide to act before the boy is beaten beyond saving.
I quickly pull a stray card from my pocket, and as the man raises his arm up for another swing, I throw. I send the card gliding towards the man, and just as it curves and returns to my hand, the man's arm hits the floor with a comical plop.
I can't help but chuckle to myself. Catching weak scum off-guard is always so funny.
The man slowly turns around as realization finally sets in, and my amusement vanishes in an instant. His eyes have a certain look to them that irks me, so I send out two more cards and remove them for him.
One card comes back to me, but the other flutters down to land right side up in a puddle of the disgusting man's blood.
He stands there for a moment, seemingly in shock, before the screaming begins.
Ugh. So damn annoying.
I'm sure he truly thought he was tough as he beat the life out of a young kid, but pain always returns these types to their true pathetic natures. He's not worth using my full strength on, but his wailing is starting to get on my nerves. With an apathetic flick of the wrist, I silence him, taking his head clean off of his body.
I throw two more cards at the men cowering in the corner and take off their heads in the same second.
We cant have witnesses now, can we?
The boy seems completely out of it. With blood loss and the most definite concussion setting in, he must be really confused.
Poor kid.
I can't leave him here.
      Stepping through crimson puddles, I stop just in front of him. He passes out face first into a pool of blood almost immediately.
Gracefully bending down, I scoop him up off of the floor and throw him over my shoulder before carrying him out of the room

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