What's in The Box?

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I hate going to school because even the teachers hate me. That sucks. They give me bad grades judged on their opinion of me. Like, really?! That is so low.
My life is a complete misery. And I know that I seem like a drama queen right now, but if this is what they call life, then I don't want to be living it.

So I never introduced myself which was probably rude but anyways, I'm Grace. Grace Wilson. Yes, I dislike my name. A lot. But in a way it's not that bad. I'm 16 and I go to Kelmscott High. I'm Australian. My favourite colour is black and red, and ,like any other 16 year old girl, I have a crush. I don't know why seeing as it is never gonna turn out good, or at all but..meh.

I have thought about suicide, honestly I have. But then again, I wanted a second chance. I wanted people to like me therefore I tried again. I got up. I tried again. I was still hated by pretty much everyone. But I was proud that I got back up. I do still think about suicide but then I put it back into the box.

My crush obviously has no idea that I exist, but I know he does. His name,
Eli Davids. We have two classes together and I think they are maths and science but I can't be sure. He is so smart and kind. Of course. He has a girlfriend named Emily Morgan. I can't stand that thing. She is stupid, rude, inconsiderate and worst of all, she's beautiful. Of course he's with her because she is so damn beautiful. Honestly it kinda makes me feel differently about him because it seems like he's only dating her because she's pretty. Which would make him a fuckboy. Which would mean I like a fuckboy. Which isn't what I want.

Why does nobody understand what it's like. To feel abandoned. To feel stupid and not good enough. To feel like no one will ever love you. It's.. It's hard. The sad thing is, nobody actually cares. Nobody even cares.

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