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"..nice young lady, she will be missed greatly" says the guy who talks at funerals because he's paid for it.
Mum and dad are there.
Front row.
I also notice someone else sitting in the front row, sobbing.
It's him.
Why is he here?
He stands up and interrupts the man.
"I've written a speech that I'd like to share with everyone" Eli manages to get out.
"Grace was the definition of beauty. She was so elegant and god she was gorgeous. I don't know if she knows me, but I know her. She wasn't my girlfriend if that's what you're all thinking. Grace wasn't mine. I regret that, I regret not asking her to be mine because if I had maybe she would still be here. Grace, if you can somehow hear me, I love you. I love you and I always will. I don't understand why you did this to yourself, bringing pain on the rest of us. I hope you're in a better place. I apologise for barging in but I've said what I needed to say."

"WHY?!" I scream to myself.
"Why didn't you tell me?!?!?!"
I calmed myself down and said "you may miss me, but I'll be watching over you"

I hope this story is a lesson that there is always at least one person who cares about you. Whether you believe it or not, whether they choose to show it or not. You are loved. Ending your life just isn't worth it, things get better. You have a future. So please, never give up.
And if you're ever feeling upset or anything like that please reach out to someone. I am always here for anyone who needs to talk, or not talk. Or even if you just want someone to listen.
Never lose hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2017 ⏰

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