Chapter 4: Callbacks and Cuddles

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Michael POV

I can't believe this morning. I walk in, because the sound of a baby penguin crying awoke me from my fucking amazing dream. I was in the middle of doing Meghan Fox when the cries made me wake up.

I walked in the bathroom and there he was on the floor, all broken down. I couldn't help but feel empathy, he was one of my best friends.

I wonder what made him think about those things again. He had major problems at the beginning of the band, but we helped him. What could be triggering those feelings now? I couldn't help but wonder if it was something to do with Harry's daughters situation.

When I woke up around 1 I was on the bathroom floor by myself. Your fucking welcome Luke,  jesus.

I stood up, and looked at my hair in the mirror, it was currently red, but I was thinking about making it black again with blond streaks or something. Red was just getting old.

As I was contemplating my hair, Luke's phone went off.

I dedicate this song to you the one that never sees the truth that I could take away your hurt

"Heartbreak girlllll," I say before answering the phone is Luke's honor.

"Ello?" I questioned into the phone, trying to make my best Luke accent.

"It's Harry, your management said yes about Shay you guys are scheduled to pick her up at 2 today. Don't be late!" And without any explanation Harry hung up.

Confused, I walked into the kitchen looking for Luke and some answers. Luke was sitting on a chair a bowl of cereal sitting on the island in front of him.

I couldn't help but giggle at the milk mustache that trailed across his upper lip.

"Two things," I stated. "1.) you have a milk mustache. 2.) Harry called and said we had to pick up Shay at 2? Was he visit moved up or something?"

"2?!" Luke said surprised. "That's in like," he pauses to count on his fingers,"that's in like 3 hours!!"

"What's in 3 hours?" Ashton asked walking to the fridge to get an apple.

"Shay's coming to live with us," Luke stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.



Confused and surprised looks filled me and Ashton's face as the news sunk in.

In the middle of all this Calum then decided to come in. "Why do you guys look like I just threw your child off the titanic?" He asked confused.

"Luke forgot to inform us that Shay is coming to live with us," I replied sassily shooting Luke a condescending glare.

Luke gave us his famous awkward face, while Calum's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"REALLY?" He asked excitedly, like he just won a fucking puppy.

"Uh...yeah," I said in a duh tone.

And then everything fell into an awkward silence we we all ate our assorted breakfast.

Shay POV

Hospital rooms are boring. I've been sitting in the stupid lumpy bed for 3 days now, being hand fed and pampered like I was a baby that needed to be taken care of.

Ever since I woke from my relapse, everyone's been treating me like I just came out of the woom or some shit. They came in at 8 for breakfast and pills, 10:30 for snack, 12 for lunch, 4 for snack, and 6 for dinner and more pills. I felt disgusting. I haven't gotten to besides to use the bathroom, and all the food they've been forcing down my throat was making me feel like a chubby piece of horse crap.

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