Chapter 26: Falling

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Authors Note: Imagine Calum in the video like Calum in the All About You cover

Shay POV

The video started, and for a couple of seconds it was just Calum standing there. His eyes were faded and puffy like he had been crying.

"Hey Shay," Calum's voice was delicate, like any light touch could break it.

"When you see this I'll already be gone, but I thought I'd just explain a few things and sing you a song. So first off at the party."

I tried to pause it not wanting to here. Ashton gave me a look and swatted me hand away angrily, wanting Calum's explanation. I just sighed and let it play.

"She kissed me. I swear she did. She started it, and I had already gotten drunk out of my mind with Michael. I had thought she was you. I swear she had the same hair. But I knew, when we made eye contact that it was a mistake. It was a mistake Shay. I would never intentionally hurt you. I love you so much, and I would give anything...hell, I would even give my own life if it meant that I could undo the pain I caused you. Your my everything. Your there when I wake up in the morning and when I go to sleep. I didn't want to lose that, to lose us."

I sighed. I could almost feel the ghost of his hands on my hips holding me when I slept.

"But I did. I fucked up and you won't forgive me. You had promised me a forever that I couldn't give you. I'm just..a fuck up," Calum pulled his hair angrily, like if he did it hard enough little tufts would fall out into his hands.

"So I guess that explains what happened last night. Now about the items you found in the drawer. The first thing is the ninja turtle boxers I was wearing last night. Sorry if they're dirty or cum stained..ya know what happened before the wedding so...."

I blushed instinctively as Ashton raised his eyebrows and Michael looked back and winked at me. I tried to avoid their suggestive eyes as the video continue to play.

"But anyways, I left them there because I had told you that they make me feel strong. Not strong in the body building sense, strong as in the feeling that you're dancing on the sun. That you could cure cancer. That you could save the damsel in distress. But the thing is, without you I can't feel strong. You were my strength. You were my pair of ninja turtle boxers. I know that sounds really cheesy, but it's true. And if I'm leaving you, I'm leaving my strength with you. So you can keep the boxers, although you might want to clean them first. Wear them when you need to feel strong, and I'm not there to help. Next is already relating to ummmm before the wedding, it's the box of condoms. Notice there's one missing though."

Calum tried to do a sexual wink but failed miserably, causing him to giggle at himself despite the pain in his eyes. I giggled at his goofiness that appeared on the screen, completely oblivious to the reality around me.

"So anyways, I put that there, but I wrote the word magic on it. It not only represents my amazing condom trick I showed you, but it also represents how being around you feels. It feel magical, like we're a fairy tale. You are a princess in every way, and in certain ways you made me feel like a prince. A prince who loved to dance around stupidly with his princess. A prince who loved to go on small picnics with his princess. A prince.."  Calum's voice trailed off, and I noticed his eyes were wet.

He cautiously wiped his eyes before continuing, "A prince, who wants to leave the feeling of magic with his princess, even after he's gone. So that's why I left the condoms. Each one has a word you've made me feel written on it, so if you ever feel numb of feeling, just blow one up I guess. Oh my god that's so stupid, but I tried."

I noticed how even though he was smiling the corners of his lips were turned down. I could tell her was faking it.

"Okay so the next thing is the bra you were wearing last night. Don't think I'm a creep or anything...but I snuck into Luke's room while you were asleep to get it. I knew you were hiding in his closet by the way. I mean Luke can never eat that many tubs of ice cream, not matter how big he is. So anyways, I got the bra because it represents fun. I mean what's more fun than getting your bra stuck on my nose? I can't really think of anything funner. And yes it's funner, Shay I know your mentally correcting me as you watched this"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2016 ⏰

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