How to care for a puppy

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Puppies. One of the most awesome things in the world. Right between pizza and ice cream. They are some of the most adorable little balls of fluff one will ever see, but they require lots of work, patience, attention and love. Here is a quick list of things you should do to have a happy puppy.

Puppies love chew toys.  They often love smelly things and rubbery things. As a result, shoes are often a puppy's first choice. Use this to your advantage. Give the puppy a pair of your sibling's shoes. Walk away. No blame can ever be placed on you, and nobody can truly get mad at a creature with those adorable eyes. 

Baths. Baths are a fantastic way to keep your puppy clean, but be warned. Puppies often find ways to object to baths. They will look up at you with deep, soulful eyes as they beg for freedom. Do not give in to the gaze of power. If you do, puppy will run free through the house. Sopping wet. Their flight for freedom will only be trackable by the water on the floor, and the walls, and the ceiling, and the furniture, and just about everything. Actually, give up trying to track your puppy by its water trail, you'd be better off hunting Sasquatch in a jester hat. Singing the YMCA. Just don't end baths early. Don't do it. To make a bath more enjoyable, consider using warm water and lots of toys. Do not forget to dry the puppy off after a bath. Ensure that this bath occurs in an enclosed area such as a bathtub. This will minimize the number of people who are soaked when the puppy decides to shake off the water.

Puppies often have extremely large bouts of energy followed by short naps, use the naps to repair any damage caused by the puppy. Naps are a fantastic time for the whole family to assemble and rethink their battle strategy. If the puppy is asleep, do not wake it up.

As a result of their extreme energy reserves, no human can ever truly tire them out. Instead, go to a dog park, where they can play with their own kind. Two to three hours of this, and they will be all worn out, for a while. Try to schedule play dates with your puppy's siblings. This will make them happier, and you can bond with puppy's sibling's owner. Later on, you could even convince them to puppy sit for you if you have to go somewhere.

However, traveling during the magical puppy phase is not advised as there will be troubles if you choose to bring your fluffy friend along, and if you don't. Leaving the puppy behind will cause both you and the puppy will show signs of the "Oh my gosh I miss my awesome friend" Syndrome throughout the course of the trip. You will find that you desire many pictures and videos of your puppy while you are on the trip. On the flip side, bringing the puppy means many chaotic disasters, funny and unfunny will ensue. For example, road trips with an energetic puppy just don't work. One second puppy is sitting in someone's lap, and then they have unleashed the innards of a fluffy jacket all over the car. While you attempt to grab the jacket, puppy jumps over the backseat and into the food bag, where they proceed to inhale a ham sandwich.

Despite all of the rigorous work and energy that go into having a puppy, it is so worth it. They can be the most amazing snuggle buddy at night, and they are always completely adorable. Enjoy the puppyness of your puppy while the puppy magic lasts. Once the puppy phase is over, you can never go back.

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