Chapter 3

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Sasu's POV

I heard naruto's and that guy's Conversation and now i know that the guy's name is gaara and his been naruto's boyfriend for 3 years.
What a lucky basterd...
When gaara left i saw MY cute naruto run to make my coffee... guess he remembered...
And yes i'm still calling him MY naruto 'cause belive me he will be.

Naruto was now in front of me giving me my coffee "Here's your coffee sasuke, sorry for the delay" he said blushing. God i love it when he says my name.
"It's ok naruto, was that your boyfriend?"
"Yes, he just came back from a business meeting in another country and i got so exited i forgot your coffee, sorry."
"It's fine realy, but can i ask you something?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"Your boyfriend looks really familiar to me, is he famous or something?"
" can i say it.....he's the head of the Yakuza"
I was about to say something but some castumer called naruto to order something.
"I'm sorry sasuke i have another castumer to take care of"
And just like that he left...
I put 100$ on the table 10$ for the coffee and 90$ for naruto, like i always do. The first time i came here and gave him so much money he told me that it was too much and i should at least take 50$ back, but i didn't.
When he'll be my boyfriend i'll give him a lot more, i'll give him the world.

I left the coffee shop, got in my car and drove off.
Once i got to the building of my Company, i parked my car and got inside the building, mine and itachi's office is at the top floor.
When i got there i opened the door to the office, itachi was there sitting with some paper work and he look at me once we noticed i came in.
"Soooo.... little brother, got rejected?"
"You have no idea what happend!"

And that i told him everything...
"WHAT!??!" he screamed.
"I know"
"I know"
"I know"
"I know"
"Sasuke, you want to tell me that your crush's boyfriend is The most dangerous killer in Japan?"
"So what should i do?"
"Find a new crush! Do you have any idea what could've happen if you would ask gaara subaku's boyfiend out?"
"He isn't my crush!... look i know that i've known him just for a month but...."
"But what!?"
"But the feeling that i get when i see him...he makes me smile, Itachi.... everytime that he smiles at me, i feel like my heart is skipping a beat"
I said and i put my hands on my face and then pulled my hair backwards.
"He does that?"
"Yes, and even more.... i can't realy say it in words, it's just the way that he makes me feel.... it doesn't even make sense...."
"Well, love sometimes doesn't make sense"
"Ya, bro?"
"What am i going to do?"
"We'll think of something..."

Naru's POV

My shift is over and i'm on my way home. 'God.... i have to know what my surprise is..... i'm going crazy, i just have to know!!!'

And there i saw my front door, I quickly ran to it and opened the door.
What i saw inside was amazing....
Lights of hundred candles was in the living room, the candles were spred all around, red pink and white ballons shaped like hearts on the Ceiling, red roses on the table near a big teddy bear who held a box in front of him. Gaara was sitting on the sofa with two glasses of wine and a smile on his face.
"You like it baby?" He winked.
I jumped on his lap and kissed him on the lips.
"Hell yeah i do! Gaara you are amazing! I love you so so so so much!" I said whille kissing him.
"Wow, that much?" He said and wrapped his hands around my waist as i did on his neck.
He then leaned forward and kissed me. It felt so good that i just melted in to the kiss. His toungh in my mouth felt so good, his his hands started grabing my butt and i maoned, i wanted more....
I started to rub our erections together making us both maon into the kiss.

But then he broke the kiss which made me whine, he heard that and smirked at me.
"Don't worry baby, we'll continue this later.... And i'll fuck fuck you like there's no tomorrow" he whispered the last part in my ear and he bit it and licked it after.

He took the box from the big tedy bear and gave to me.
When i opened it I saw a black and silver necklacel, and at the middle there was a line that said
'for my love'.

I immediately put it on my neck and smiled.
"Thank you so much gaara, It's perfect" without noticing i started crying.
gaara quickly wiped the tears away and kissed my nose which made me smile.
"Anything for my love"

We had a great night...but at the morning i could barely walk....

But i didn't know that it will be the least af my problems...

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