The Rebel Program 5

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The Rebel Program 5

I climbed back through the window, successfully landing on my feet. Not a minute later did I heard snoring. With a second hesitation, I turned the lights on to see Ben and Aaron having a nap on my bed. I tapped Aaron's shoulder, who bolted up and then kicking Ben off the bed. When took a moment before he woke up, found himself on the ground before getting onto his feet. He was only on his feet for so long before he tumbled back down because the sheets were scattered and wrapped around his ankle.

I tried, without success, to hold in my giggles. "Where did you go? You can't sneak out like that! You broke a rule, Drew," Ben slurred with sleep, trying to not fall down again while he kissed the sheets off his feet.

I shrugged in response and Ben sighed in disappointment. "Okay, well, I have to go to work, early in the morning for the stupid meetings, so can you ride with Aaron in the morning? Okay, great, I'm going to bed," with that, he turned and left the room, his shoulders slouched down.

When he disappeared from sight, I turned to glare at Aaron. "What did I tell you about stepping past that door?"

"You told me not to," he muttered, shrugging me off.

"That question was rhetorical," I replied, glaring at him as he turned to walk out of the room. I heard his feet drag along until he found his own room, closed the door, and I flinched when I heard a slam. I assumed he fell onto the bed, rolling my eyes.

Not a second past I fell on my own did I wake up, two hours later, to get ready for school. I threw my clothes off and I rushed into the shower. I carelessly put on my underclothes before slinking on my favorite snug "the Red Jumpsuit Asparagus" band tee and a random pair of jeans and vans that I found. I blew dry my hair and prepared it, making sure my bangs concealed the fact that I didn't mind putting on too much eyeliner or makeup in general before rushing down the stairs. I raced by the kitchen and saw Aaron finishing his breakfast. He was putting the dish into the sink for someone else to clean. He didn't bother to look up as he said, "Ready to go?"

I replied by rushing out of the house. He followed me a minute later as he slung his backpack into the backseat, he looked at me and asked, "Where did you go?" He didn't get a reply to he continued, "...Last night, I mean." He started the engine, waiting patiently for my answer, and back out of the driveway.

"Doesn't matter," I told him.

"Whatever; none of my business where you go, but it certainly wasn't interesting, you're too much of a prude." he stated.

I gave him a look. "What does that mean?" I asked him.

"You're a virgin," he put other there in his nonchalant monotone.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"Just how you walk; some girls walk like they haven't had sex, others walk like they do it all day long, and some just look like they've done it a few times," he told me like it was just common sense.

"You have no idea what the hell you're talking about," I rolled my eyes.

""I know enough to know that," he smirked, wickedly, "you're a virgin."

"Well excuse me if I have some morals," I told him.

"Never mind. I just wanted to know where you went," he mumbled.

"STOP!" I shouted, making Aaron jerk on the cars brake causing us both to move forward and our seat belts yank us back.

"What?" He asked while looking around.

"I forgot my backpack," I said, looking at him nervously.

"Can you turn around and get it?" I asked him and in reply, he gave me a look.

"When I said that, it meant 'turn the car around so I can get my damn backpack' so do it now," I told him, exasperated.

Aaron make a U turn, causing the people behind us to honk furiously being cut off by him. "We're going to be late because of you, and I had a date in the janitors closet," he said.

"Okay, that's gross," I said, making a face

"Sue me for having hormones!" Aaron shot back.

"Whatever; it doesn't matter, you're going to be late for one class big deal, if you hurry up then we won't be late," I said and he drove faster.

He parked. I ran all the way up to my room and grabbed my black jumping into Aaron's car. "That took you a long time," Aaron complained.

"Shut up," I demanded.

"Don't tell me what to do," he mumbled as he once again got out of the driveway, U-turned, and drove back the way to school.

"Shut up," I repeated, more forcefully this time.

"Make me," He said.

I put my hand over his mouth clamping it tight so he wouldn't be able to pull it off. "See? I just made you shut up," I said.

He licked my hand but I only grinned and pressed harder. "I'm not weak. That's not going to work," I said, stubbornly.

We finally arrived at the school senior lot and found no one in sight. "Run!" Aaron said and he started jogging to the building.

"Don't run, because then you're going to show up before me and then Ben is going to be mad if we're late," I said, but Aaron wasn't listening because he kept on running.

I began to run to catch up and we both made it to the class, breathing heavy. Ben gave us a look "Sit down, you guys are just in time for our lesson," Ben, I mean, Mr. Taylor said.

We both took our seats, Aaron's arm bumped mine, I looked at him and shoved it. He glanced at me and shoved mine with his. Mr. Taylor gave us both a look as of saying 'cut that shit out'.

"Anyway; as I was saying you and your partner need to do a trust fall, so that you can learn to trust them," Mr. Taylor said.

Everyone got up and me and Aaron just looked at each other standing up in the middle of the room "You go first," I said.

"No way, I might be too heavy and then you're going to drop me," Aaron accused me.

"I think that I can handle your weight," I said, glaring daggers.

"Well, that's what you're going to tell my brother when you drop me," he said, "You should go first."

"No way; I know that you're not going to catch me," I said, crossing my arms.

"I will to," He lied.

"Aaron, Drew, is there a problem? Everyone else already finished the trust fall," Mr. Taylor asked.

"No, there's no problem," Aaron answered.

"Good then hurry up and do the trust fall, so I can get onto the next topic; you guys were already late as it is. I don't need you guys distracting the other students," Mr. Taylor said.

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