Running for New Beginnings

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He nodded my head not really listening to what the cop was saying. Something about him being the prime suspect for about five unsolved murder cases. With that he just clicked a handcuff onto his left wrist and walked out the hospital room nodding at the two cops. Nobody was allowed in except his lawyer and nurses and a occasional doctor.
Its all over.
Henry wins.
Was there really any doubt in your mind that Henry wouldn't win.
I thought maybe we could defeat the odds. I thought maybe...
That what when it was all over that Cholé and you would just live happy ever after. They don't happen. Look at your mom.
The smoke.
Her tortured screams as her flesh was burned from her bones.
The first victim of Henry's insanity.
No there were others that I don't know about.
Shouts were coming from directly outside his hospital room.
"We aren't supposed to leave our posts", one of the cops protested.
"Are you serious? You are supposed to protect the boy from outside forces! And there are families----angry families on there way upstairs! They are gonna start a riot!".
Feet pounded down the hallway leaving the slightly familiar standing in the hallway. I used my other hand to push myself up in a sitting position.
I groaned slightly all I could was raised up on one elbow.
"Here I come Tom".
How do she know my name?
The sign on the door.
Oh yeah.
A nurse strolled into my room quickly holding a black plastic bag.
"Do you need help rising?".
She pursed her lips before she tossed the bag onto my lap. She not only sounded familiar but looked slightly familiar.
Same brown hair. Only pulled into a bun.
Instead of all black she was dressed in a nurse's uniform.
Same brown eyes only this time she was wearing wire rimmed glasses.
Crazy Becky.
She shot me a brief smile before fishing around in her pocket revealing a silver key.
"What are you doing here?", he asked as she leaned over his body, giving him a nice view of her breasts, unlocking the handcuff around his wrist.
"Busting you out of here".
He watched wide eyed as she dug around in the bag tossing him a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.
"Get dressed now", she ordered. He hid under the covers as he tugged on the clothes.
Why is she helping me?
I don't care how obssed she is with me this is like breaking at least five laws---- no like fifty laws.
He handed her the hospital gown which she shoved into the bag.
"Why?", he asked as he tugged on the sneakers she shoved at him.
"Cause I love you", she said simply. She gasped when he reached out and shoved her against the wall roughly.
"Like I said I love you. And you need help. You need to catch Henry".
He pressed his forearm firmly against her throat. A part of him was repulsed at what he was doing but a darker part of him wanted to how much pressure it would take to break her trachea.
"Cause Henry killed my auntie. I knew he did it but I couldn't raise suspicion", she croaked out.
He left go her and she sagged down the wall gasping for air.
"We gotta get out of here and quick. The others can only distract them for so long".
The others.
"The others?", he asked as they walked quickly down the hallway. She made a sharp left and they jogged down several flights of stairs.
"Yeah I did actually leak to the media that you were a suspect for several unsolved murders. So I could get ya out".
Cold fall air hit them as they sprinted ducking around cars in the parking lot.
"Look its them!".
Tom looked in time to see a flash of a camera going off. In a slipt second decision he reached out and wrapped his forearm around Becky's neck as he shouted at her.
"Where the fuck is the van?".
"Let her go!", what he was guessing was a officer.
"He got a hostage!", a reporter screamed.
"Let her go!".
He ignored them all and dragged Becky towards her van.
"Open it", he whispered.
She opened the door with a trembling hand,"What are ya doing?", she hissed at him.
"Saving your ass", he hissed back," scream for help".
He dug his fingers in her neck.
He climbed into the driver's side of the car. She looked up at him in what he always viewed as a warped sense of infatuation. But only now did he see that she did love him in her own warpws sense of love. He heard the barrage of cops and reporters running in there direction. Gunning the engine he looked down at her.
"Take me with you", she hissed.
"Why can't you ju----".
He leaned down and roughly kissed her on the mouth silencing whatever she was gonna say next. She stiffened for money before kissing him back
She looked dazed and confused.
"Tom don't die".
No promises.
"Goodbye Becky".
With that he pelted out the hospital in the general direction that he knew his father was headed in.
"Promise me!", Becky screamed at the retreating van before the media and crowd of officers engulfed her.

Promise me.
It's not your fault, love.
Please----don't leave me.
Here I come Cholé.

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