Chapter Eleven

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The group walked up to the hole, starring down into what looked like an endless dark abyss. John rubbed his hands together, and then breathed on them, and red flames came up. Kneeling down, he saw there was a latter. "I'll go first," John said, climbing down, the flames on his hands casting a dim crimson light on the cave walls.

One by one, the others followed, completely silent. The only sound was the wind whistling up above on the house, but soon, that grew quiet. Finally, they reached the bottom of the ladder. John finally noticed the claw marks going all the way up the cave by the ladder, to the hole. I guess ladders are overrated to demons.

As they turned around and walked through the cave, the cave became more narrow, to a point to where only two people could stand side by side, but just barely. The floor was made up of hundreds of stone steps, and these went down for what seemed like an eternity. No one stopped though.

Soon, the steps disappeared, and were replaced by only untouched stone. The footsteps of the group quietly bounced off the walls, echoing over and over.

All of the sudden, behind them, a black shape dropped off the sealing, landing on the ground on all fours. It hissed, standing at its full height on two legs, and its mouth began to glow. "Get out of the way!", Kristof yelled. The demon breathed a burst of red flame, and John put his arms up in surprise, but was unharmed by the flames. Kristof knelt down while everyone else distracted the demon, rummaging through the bag. He found the light crystals, and placed them each on the ground as quickly as he could.

Katherine punched the demon in the side of the face, and it hit the wall with a cracking noise. It leaped back at her, pinning her to the wall with its claws. Then, Levi grabbed it by the neck, pulling it away from her, and slammed its head into the ceiling. As it stomped down on him, he seemed to sink into the ground, and the demon looked around, confused. Levi came out of the wall to the right, punching repeatedly at the bottom jaw. The demon crushed him against the wall, and it chuckled a little. Levi was still alive, but a little dazed.

The demon ran at Kristof, regardless of John being on its back, stabbing a knife down. "Kristof!"

The demon smacked Kristof away with its tail, and blew fire at him. Kristof leaped back, narrowly escaping. As the demon creeped up, it stepped on one of the light crystals, and it screeched in pain, leaping forward at Kristof, and smashing John onto the ceiling, knocking the wind out of him.

John fell to the ground, and gasped for breath. Dang it that hurt! He looked forward, not sure what to do. Then, as the demon stomped down on Kristof, laughing and cackling, John saw the light crystals laying there, glowing a bright white color. He sat up shaking, and grabbed two of them, one in each hand. Standing up, he ran at the demon, and stabbed down.

The demon screamed, crashing into the walls and clawing at its back. It threw John off, and the crystals popped out, landing on the floor. The spots where they had went into the demon glowed dimly, and didn't regenerate. Ya... That worked... John coughed, standing up again, clutching one of the glowing crystals, he walked forward. The demon was grinning now, and as it charged at him, it screeched in triumph. He threw the crystal into its open jaws, and tried to ignore all the pain as the demon bit down on him. It hissed in pain as the crystal burned right threw it, coming out of its back, but it continued to bite down on John's legs, getting ready to swallow him whole. He started blacking out.

All of the sudden, there was a flash of bright, crimson flames, and for a few seconds, John felt different. He was made up of impenetrable plates of armor, red flames jumping out. The ethereal-like armor grinded against the demons teeth, and it let go in surprise. Then, not knowing what he was doing, John shot a burst of bright red flames out of his metal clawed hands, and the demon was blinded for a split second.

John ran forward, grabbed one of the jagged light crystals in his hand, and slammed the demon into the wall repeatedly, Its scaling skin denting.

John stabbed the light crystal into the throat, making sure not to let go of the crystal or the demon. Then, other thoughts took over for that split second, but John wouldn't remember them. The demon heard them though. I will admit, it was nice to see a demon. But your ruining my plans, which I can't carry out when you're trying to kill me. So, this is our farewell. I won't be seeing you on the other side.
John pulled back, the thoughts forgotten, and the demons head came off, but didn't regenerate. It's neck hissed, glowing a grey color, and smoke came out, as the claws only twitched a little. The demon was dead.

In a flash of red flames, John was a human again. He turned around, grinning at Kristof, Katheine, and Levi, who all starred at him. "Well that was exciting. Can we do that again?"


Ya, the demon is dead!!! Don't think this is the end of the story though! This is really just the beginning. Not joking. I'll update soon, and more of the story will unfold. My questions for you are, what do you think is going on with the other voice in John's head, what do you think the next bad guy(s) will be, and will you give me more OCs, and if so, please do it soon!!! That's all for now! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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