Chapter Thirtyone

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Dan stood up quickly, coughing uncontrollably. Holly crap, I don't want to get suffocated ever again! Ow, my neck hurts now. Still coughing, he looked around. He hadn't been out for long, the night sky still darkening the world. John was in demon-angel form, fighting the glass like monsters, while Levi was facing three old world god minions, mainly pushing them into buildings and smashing them into the ground.
He was right about to stand up and open his copper wings, which were still shredded, when a blur of golden scales leaped at him, and he was tackled to the ground. For a second he was about to breath a burst a fire, when he realized who it was. "Sarah? What are you doing here? You know it isn't safe. Seriously, look at all the explosions and smashed buildings."
"I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself!", the gold scaled, green eyed dragon said. "I might be three years younger than you, but I'm definitely smarter than you are."
"Don't you ever get caught by bad guys again okay?!?! You about gave me a heart attack!!! You're lucky we have a mental link! If we didn't, who knows what might have happened!!!" Her eyes started to fill with tears. "Don't you ever get into trouble like that again okay?"
"O-Okay sis. Could you get off me though? I need to breath."
"No! You freaked me out, so now I'm gonna kill you! Not literally of course."
"Aww!!! But I wanna fight bad guys too!"
Sarah frowned down at him. "You need to take a break. Your wings are messed up, and we need to check your throat."
While the dragon was in the middle of speaking, Dan flipped her over, and with a roar, he leaped into the fight, with Sarah yelling behind him. As he charged, he grabbed two masses of the "glass", and smashing it onto the ground after seeing John's plan, he smothered the mass with fire, until it froze solid.
"So guys, after we're done fighting, how do we actually destroy these glass dudes?"
"We probably won't be able to without disintegration magic. Either that, or we need to somehow increase the temperature of the fire. Either way, for now, we'll have to stick to smashing these guys like China plates."
Seemingly out of nowhere, another Old World God minion grabbed Sarah, and leaping onto a tall building, it went over the wall, the screaming gold dragon in its arms.
"Sarah!", Dan roared. He couldn't fly, but leaping into the air, he dug his claws into the wall, climbing up as quick as he could. When he got to the top, he spotted the monster running off. Leaping off, he crashed right into its back, and they all went tumbling through the forest for a few seconds. When they finally stoped, Dan quickly grabbed his sister, leaped back as a beam of white flames almost hit him, and climbed up the wall, back into the city, with John throwing masses of crimson flames at the distant monster.
"Sarah!!! You're telling me to be careful?!?! You need to be careful too!!! So get home right now!"
Without answering, Sarah ran back into the city wide eyed, and in a flash of flames, she was back in human form, her white hair standing out in the night.
"John!!!", Dan called up to the demon-angel. "Are they coming back?!?!"
John shook his head and leaped down, barely shaking the ground as he landed. "They're gone for now. What happened to you earlier?"
"I was up on the wall, seeing and enjoying the sights when this guy attacked me with his friends, but it turned out they weren't people. They ended up suffocating me."
"Wait, did you say that they looked like people at first?" The demon-angel was deep in thoughts for a few seconds, and then he looked up. "Levi! I need you to do something!"
"Go get all of the medical files. I don't think all of the bad guys are out of here. Drop off the files at the meeting building. We need to meet up tommarow."
Levi nodded, and making sure he shrank back down to a humans size, he ran down the street, which was now filled with most of the cities people.
"What is it John?", Dan asked, realizing that he may have figured something out.
In a flash of red light, John turned back into a person. "Well, I'm guessing you guys don't know the story of Noah's Ark. Let's just say, the Old World Gods are going to send a really big flood soon, and us non-humans are meant to be the survivors."


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know how powerful I feel when I'm making these stories? I get to control the every movement of a character, and choose if they live or die. HAHAHAHA!!!!!! Any who, you definitely won't see what's coming soon. Hehehe. Okay, I'm done laughing now. So, how do you like the cover I made on my painting app? Leave your opinions in the comments section. That's all. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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