Chapter 4

611 25 14

Caden left, Ava top right, LaNia bottom right

Writers block is a frustration only other writers can understand 💀

Sorry if it's boring, but things will get good soon I promise!


"I don't want this child." I took a scoop of my chocolate ice cream.

"Why? You're not thinking of abortion are you?" Christo asked.

"No." I shook my head. "It's just, I'm too old to be having another kid, I have too many kids already, and no boyfriend, husband, man, or whatever you wanna call it to be here with me, physically or emotionally, and worst of all the chemo may kill it. There's too many things saying no." I thought back to last week.

"He just having a late midlife crisis. He'll be back when he finds out that bitch ain't who he thinks she is."

"I don't care anymore." I lied and squeezed a pillow.

"I'll talk to him if you want me to." Christo shrugged.

| Christo |

I looked down at my vibrating phone and it was a text from an unknown number.

401-376-5849: I'm back in town, I hope your address is the same, cause I wanna talk.

I reread it and chuckled a little bit. Lania was my first love. We dated for two years, from fifteen to seventeen, then she moved to San Francisco outta nowhere, and we weren't gonna try a long distance relationship six hours apart. So months later, I began fucking with Ava, which just so happens to be ma's best friend's daughter.


"Hmm?" she turned from the tv to look at me.

"Should I marry Ava? I mean she's pregnant and... I don't know. Should I?"

"No Christo. You're nineteen, you're about to go to college. You have so much ahead of you. Don't marry the girl unless you're that in love with her and want to be with her for the rest of your life. Cause if you marry her cause you think it's the right thing to do, you won't be happy." she said and I nodded.

"You're not just saying that cause she cheated on me." I asked and she laughed.

"No, that's the truth, and that too! How she gone cheat on you with your best friend? Get that baby checked." she shrugged.

"Will do." I mumbled as the doorbell rung.

I went downstairs and I bit my lip as I swung the door open.

Lania stood there, looking better than I remember. Her 5'3 frame sashayed past me and my eyes followed her hips.

"Chris 2.0" Dior said, sipping something in her cup and heading upstairs.

"Hey Christo." she smiled and her blue eyes glistened.

"What you doing here?" I asked her.

"I moved back for college and I wanted to see you."

"Which college? When? And why'd you even move?"

"UCLA, yesterday, and I..." she stopped herself and looked down at her feet. "I got pregnant, and my mom made me get an abortion and wanted us to break up." she wiped her eye.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I wanted to keep it and that's the reason she wanted me to leave you alone cause she said you'd ruin my life and so would a child." she apologized.

The End (Quadrilogy to Happily Ever After)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt