Chapter 11

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Camerin top left, Kamiya top right, Cree middle left, Chris middle right, Mercedes son bottom left, and Mercedes bottom right

~ Cree ~

"Where did you go?" I asked as Chris came in the door.

"No-nowhere. I just went to- to the grave." he said nervously.

"What did you do?" I crossed my arms, sniffling.

"I'm fine," he laughed grabbing both my hands as I eyed him.

"It's late," I said walking to the stairs.

"It's 9:00." he chuckled.

"I don't care. Everyone else is about to go to bed or is in their rooms."

My once alacritous house was silent, which made me feel lonely, even when there are ten other people here.

I stepped in the kitchen and grabbed the spoon and gallon of ice cream with an ice pack under it, I left on the counter for a couple minutes.

I glided past Chris who was walking slow up the stairs and my feet skipped up the cold marble floor.

I sat in the bed and looked down at my long t-shirt and red dolphin shorts before taking a spoonful and watching tv for a little while.

I looked around the empty room and lonely bed, putting my snack on the dresser and got up.

I checked on the kids. Half were chilling on their phones and the other half were sleep.

I tip toed to the last guest room and gently pushed the door open as Chris came out the bathroom, with a towel around his waist.

"What?" he roughly dried his hair with a hand towel and I looked away.

"I was just gonna tell you, you don't have to sleep in here tonight if you don't want to." I played with my thin fingers.

"Why? You miss me?" he smiled.

"Never mind," I rolled my eyes.

"I was kidding. It was just random is all." he shrugged.

He got closer to me and I reached and grabbed his hand, and walked him out into the hall.

"Mom!" Tahj swung open her door and gasped.

"Shh," I put my index finger to my lips.

She quickly ran to Anya's room and I shook my head, glancing in Kamiya's room as she slept peacefully and I cracked the door.

I walked to the last bedroom at the end of the hall and Chris closed the door behind us.

I sat on my bed, watching him throw the towel in the bamboo hamper and slipping on some boxers.

He went into the closet and I saw him open the small black mini fridge, taking an unopened bottle and two shot glasses.

"Just give me the whole bottle," I put my hand out.

"Hell naw greedy." he chuckled, sitting on the bed across from me.

I sighed, glancing at the tv that was playing 21 Jump Street as he filled the glasses and handed me one.

I downed it and took his, drinking it too, ignoring the sting of my throat.

"Well damn," he turned up his lip.

I shrugged as he refilled the glasses and I took the bottle, throwing my head back, chugging it.

I wiped my mouth and looked at the third of it that was gone and Chris stared at me with his mouth open.

"What the hell?" he looked around.

I ran my hand through my hair, waiting for it to set in as he downed the two shots and took a swig from the bottle.

"So what do you wanna do for your birthday next weekend?"

"I forgot about that," I slapped my forehead. "I don't know. Surprise me." I shrugged.

"What're you doing?" I giggled as Chris crawled between my legs.

The empty Hennessy bottle fell off the bed as I looked at the clock that read 12:57.

"You know I love you right?" he slurred as his lips met my neck.

"Chris don't," I mumbled, feeling his hips grind on my center.

"It's been what? Seven months?"

"Eight," I corrected feeling my shorts and panties being slid down.

Do I really want to do this? I asked myself. I mean sex doesn't mean we're getting back together, and it's been too long.

But I was still dealing with Camerin and him wanting to try things and everyone was just getting my mind fuc-

I was taken out of my thoughts as his soft lips sensually kissed my other set and his tongue flicked in and out of me sloppily.

I grabbed at the thick curls on top of his head, biting my lip to conceal my moans.

My stomach tied and right before I climaxed he moved back up to my face and his long shaft slid in my wet walls.

I released my now swollen bottom lip from my teeth, moaning his name along with a couple curse words as my nails glid down his neck and I came.

He let out a deep groan and pulled out. My eyes opened as he flipped me onto fours and grabbed a fistful of my hair as he lunged back into me.

I buried my mouth into a pillow and the tv barely covered the sounds of my muffled yelling and our bodies slapping together.

"Three words," he grunted in my ear.

"Chris I can't." I shook my head and he pulled my hair harder.

"You know you do," he mumbled before kissing the shell of my ear.

My legs shook and his shaft swelled indicating we were both close to cumming.

"Babe," his voice caressed my mind.

"I love you," I admitted, releasing and he pulled out, releasing his on my back.

But I won't go back, I reminded myself.


"You having a good time?" Carea asked me.

My family did a Halloween party for me, which was nice.

"Yeah, Kamiya's fine?" I asked and she nodded, fixing the black bunny ears on my head.

I made eye contact with a glaring Chris who was made because I still didn't want to get back together, but him, Tahj, Anya, and Malachi could stay mad.

I noticed Camerin's mom was here and I smiled at her noticing the familiar, chunky baby boy in her arms.

"Who's kid is this?" I asked, pinching the baby's cheek and he giggled.


There was a loud bang on the door that could be heard above the music.

I slowly walked to the door but Chris beat me to it, opening it.

"Christopher Brown you're under arrest for the murder of Cayla Sanchez," the officer and his partner pent Chris to the wall.

"What the hell is going on? Chris what the hell did you do?"

"I-," Chris made a frustrated face, rolling his eyes and sighing.

The officer finished telling him his Miranda rights as they linked the cuffs and led him outside.


Sorry I took so long. Just the longer I carry this series out, the harder it is to write so I always have major writers block with this one.

Hope you enjoyed and I love you guys💞💘

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