Chats with Tsubaki

15 1 0

P- patty
C- Crona
L- Liz
T- Tsubaki
M- Maka

M: see....I don't know how to explain this to you. Me and soul-
S: Black Star, wait up!
T: Black Star be careful!
M: anyways, me and Soul are getting very serious about each other and we really don't want to wait anymore.
S: *peeks in* Maka, what are you doing?
M: nothing, Soul just talking about girl stuff.
S: Say no more! Bye I'm spending the night at Black Star's!
M: ok! Tsubaki you wanna stay over?
T: Yes please! I need girl time! Last time Soul and Black Star had a sleepover I didn't exactly get much peace! You don't want to know what happened! It resulted in me throwing baby powder at Black Star and it involved my boobs and a blindfold...Ugh boys!
M: ok everyone is coming!
I hoped Ragnarok wouldn't get too antsy and make a move like he did to me last time...ew, anyways, we all got comfy in the basement. We sat in a circle and talked because that's what girls do best.
P: so.....Maka how's it going. With soul?
M: ummm.....well I have some big news!

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