Chapter 2 - Age 2

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Amazing cover by Magicalez above! 

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Amazing cover by Magicalez above! 

Later that same year, my little brother was born. I didn't really understand what was going on, only that one second I was the center of attention and the next there was this... thing ... that everybody was looking at. And they weren't looking at me. I didn't like it. I didn't like it at all. I tried to get their attention. Sure, I tried. I screamed and kicked and bit. But all it did was get me into more trouble.

I remember now, the first time I accepted him as part of the family. I had just finished one of my screaming fits, and my pale skin was red from crying. I stomped over to the little bundle of blankets that was my baby brother in a temper tantrum. My eyes were narrowed in babyish anger.

A tiny, wrinkled face stared up at me, wide, innocent brown eyes looking into my chubby face. I stared at this thing that was my brother. How could this be another person like me? He was so small, and wrinkled. Not at all like my plump baby fat that I had grown into.

As I watched, he reached up, tiny arms reaching for my face. I smiled and poked his nose with my finger. His smile lit up his face, a gentle laugh echoing around my mind as I looked at him. AS I looked up, I noticed my parents looking down worriedly, trying to judge my reaction. I grinned and looked down at my baby brother.

From that moment on, we were the best of friends. Well, sort of.

OK, we were actually siblings, which is completely different. We fought, and we argued, and we hugged, and we cried. Like normal brothers and sisters.

How I missed him now. it wasn't fair. I had never gotten to say goodbye.

I know this chapter is kind of dull, but I needed to get out the fact that she had a brother. The next one should be better, I promise. Until then, remember to VOTE! COMMENT! FOLLOW! And all those fabulous things! :)

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