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A. | prolouge

"Aren't you lucky?" I glanced behind my shoulder at Jim who was getting ready to leave on his first task. We both got hired at the same time, but he ended up getting a job first.

Jim adjusted his jacket and playfully scoffed. "Jealous?" He cocked an eyebrow and walked over to the desk I was seated in, adjusting the paper work I was assigned to.

"Maybe." I offered him a smile. "Be safe though." My voice was soft as I warned him, knowing the dangers of the job. He nodded, Harvey calling out to him that they were leaving.

"Don't get a paper cut." He laughed as he ruffled my light brown hair, causing the braid crown I had made to mess it up a little. Letting out a small groan and pulling out my compact mirror, I fixed it my hair as best as I could.

The door closed but I heard it open only seconds later. My eyes were fixated on the papers in front of me but I didn't notice the figure next to me until they spoke up.

"In need of assistance, Ms?" I recognized the voice belonging to Edward Nygma, a personality that was talked about a lot by the workers. It was a mixture of good and bad things, mostly bad.

"I'm Adrianna." I stood up from my seat, my legs thanking me for it since they were starting to fall asleep. "It's nice to meet you, Mr.Nygma."

Sitting in a chair for so long in a pencil skirt and a plain white blouse was torture. It was already hard enough on its own but the attire we had to wear made it worse.

"Did you know that your name is from the Adriatic Sea region and means dark?"  Edward asked once we sat down at my desk, with him pulling a seat for himself.

"I actually didn't." I responded, nodding at the new information. "Did you know your name means Guardian?" I inquired, remembering one of my friends with the name telling me that.

"Yes. It's quite fitting, I suppose." His voice responded as he filed the papers, far faster than I was doing. With both of us working, it only took us less than ten minutes.

"Thank you." He sat there, waiting for me to say something as I glanced down my watch. "I still have an hour left on my shift. Is there anything interesting to do around here?"

"There's interesting things all around us." He stood up from his chair and I followed him as he headed down a hallway. "How about a tour?"

"That sounds great."

Unconditioned Love | Edward NygmaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora