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E. | chapter two

When I opened the door to the evidence room and saw her standing there, I let a breath of relief escape my lips. "Good evening, Ms.Kringle."

Her body jumped in surprise at the sound of my voice, causing a few papers to fly out of the file in her hand. I helped her pick them up and handed them back to her.

"Mr.Nygma." Ms.Kringle's voice greeted when she noticed my presence. I noticed her body tense up a bit but shrugged it off.

The air was awkward until we both heard the door to the evidence room open. "Is this a bad time?" Adrianna's voice asked as her head peaked through the opening between the door and the wall.

"No." Ms.Kringle exclaimed and hurried towards where Adrianna was. Her sudden action threw Adrianna off, who had a confused look on her face.

"The evidence room is all yours, Ms.DeMartino." She told Adrianna, completely ignoring my presence in the room. The action irritated me a bit, but I couldn't let it get to me at the moment.

"Thank you." Adrianna said, making room for her to leave through the door. "Hey." She greeted once Ms.Kringle was gone and it was just the two of us. "Find anything interesting?"

"Not yet." I flashed a smile at her and opened a drawer up. From the corner of my eye, I was able to watch her searching for her own set of files.

"Did she seem kind of antsy?" Adrianna asked after a few seconds of silence, her fingers still skimming through the files.

"She can be like that sometimes, yes." I answered, referring back to Ms.Kringle. She hummed in response and did a small 'aha' sound when she found the file she needed.

"Need help?" She asked, setting the file aside on Kristen's desk. I shook my head, not wanting to seem as if I couldn't find my own things. "How about company then?"

"If you insist." I responded, as she took a seat. "Adrianna." Her gaze lifted from her phone over to me as I called out her name. "What can you add to one to make it go away?"

It was silent on the other side, as she thought of an answer. "I'm not sure actually." She set her phone down, showing a sign that she was interested. "What?"

"Add a G." A small smirk was placed on my lips in accomplishment at the fact that she couldn't answer my riddle.

She made a small 'o' with her lips as she contemplated the answer. "Wow." Adrianna nodded. "That's brilliant actually."

"Thank you." I commented and retrieved the file I wanted once I finally found it. "We can go now, if you please."

Unconditioned Love | Edward NygmaWhere stories live. Discover now