Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
And the water falls

We walked side by side. His hand gripping mine lightly. The weather wasn't that bad. It was a little windy now and then but other than that it was perfect. "Its getting darker. " I told him softly as blush heated my cheeks.

Our hands were entwined. His long graceful fingers wrapped around mine.

"Scared?" He asked. His voice in that joking tone he always has. I turned my eyes down. I watched our feet move together.

"Somewhat. " I answered. I turned my eyes up to the darkening sky. He pulled me closer. Our arms brushing together.

"Well, I got you. Don't worry. " he said softly. It was almost a real moment between us before he said, "but if Monsters come I'm throwing you towards then first. " he joked. Of course he would ruin it.

I turned my eyes to him in a set glare. "You're a jerk." I muttered and tried to pull my hand away. He jerked my hand back.

"Don't let go, or they'll get you first. " he teased with a smile.

"How do you know I won't offer you first?" I asked back with raised eyebrows. He laughed.

"You like me too much." He responded.

I scoffed in return. "I don't even like talking to you. " I responded. I dropped his hand and placed them at my hips defiantly. His eyes watched my movements.

He leant his head in. "Thats cute. " he responded. "I'll leave you here then. " he said and turned the other way to begin walking.

I scoffed again. "Fine, I'll tell my sister she can have you. " I said in reply and turned the other way. I felt his arms wound around my waist from behind a moment later.

He was warm and I felt safe in his arms.

"You wouldn't really do that, would you?" He whispered along my neck. He rested his chin on my shoulder and I felt blush steam my skin.

"Would you really leave me here?" I asked in return. My hand rested ontop of his nervously. My fingers skimming the top of his hands.

"Kyo, I wouldn't leave you if you even asked me to. " I dropped my eyes as his words sunk into me. I leant my head back onto his shoulder. My eyes watching the sky darken.

"Show this side more. " I told him softly.

"What side?" He questioned softly. His hair touched my neck.

"This sweet side. " I murmured. He took my fingers in his own and continued walking slowly.

"I can't help it. You bring it out in me. " he whispered in return. I sighed and leant back into him.

"I'm glad. If you show it to anyone else, I'll kill you. " I joked.

"And you better not look at other guys. " he whispered. "Unless you're drawing them. " he quickly added. Then he leant up. "But I want to supervise. " he said and I rolled my eyes and turned towards him.

"How do you always manage to ruin the moment?" I asked. He just shrugged in return. He showed that little smirk he always has.

"It just happens. " he said and held onto both of my hands. He swung them lightly in the air. I broke from one of his hands and we walked side by side again.

His fingers tapped on the side of my hand.

"Baek," I said his name lightly. He made a small sound that meant that he heard and I should continue. I turned my eyes to him and smiled.

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