Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The two find a small bench in the crowded airport. Stevie takes a bite of her chocolatine tentatively, she is always weary about trying new foods. After her first nibble, she grins.

"Wow! This is really good. It's like a chocolate croissant but better," Stevie tells Ally in between bites.

"I know, it was my favourite pastry when I moved here," says Ally.

"How long have you lived in Montreal?"

"Not, too long around 2 months," Ally sips her coffee "I'm starting school here, so I thought I would live here and learn a little more about the city before school started. I just went to visit home for the weekend."

"What a coincidence!" Stevie exclaims swallowing a mouthful of chocolatine "I'm moving here for school, Mcgill."

"This really is a coincidence," Ally beams "I'm staring at Mcgill next week."

"Really? That's so weird!" Stevie tucks a loose strand of dark hair behind her ear, "So what's you major?"

"Music," Ally says shyly looking at the floor.

"Just music theory or do you play an instrument? I don't really know how the music department works."

"I'm focusing on piano, but I also play other instruments. What about you?"

"My major? Poli Sci and Psych."

"That sounds like a lot of work,"

"Well, don't sound so surprised!" Stevie says playfully hitting Ally's shoulder.

"It's just that's very ambitious, and I know that I wouldn't be able to keep up with all that reading."

"Nice save."

"Thanks, maybe I should be the one getting into politics," says slyly

"Maybe you should, we could go head to head for the presidency."

"I'm not sure that is a good idea, I really don't wanna hurt your feelings when I win. It would really be a shame to see such a pretty girl cry."

Ally's blue green eyes fixate on Stevie's. Stevie's cheeks are hot, is she being flirted with? By a girl? This has never happened to Stevie. But she couldn't deny that she liked it...

Stevie breaks eye contact with Ally and glances at her phone.

"Wow, we have been sitting her for a while. I gotta start heading to my Rez."

Ally fishes her phone out of her pocket.

"Oh man, me too. What Rez are you in?"

"Citadelle, I think it's on.." Stevie frantically scrolls through her phone searching for an address.

"Its on Sherbrooke and Peel," Ally interrupts "My Rez is just a few streets over."

"Awesome. Thanks," Stevie says standing up picking up her duffel.

"Wanna share a cab?" Ally asks tossing her empty coffee cup into the garbage.

"Sure, I would like that." Stevie smiles.

They make it outside and stand by the airpot entrance, trying to spot a taxi in the sea of cars. It's mid summer, and a little warmer than Stevie expected. The cool summer breeze brushes Ally's long hair out of her face, showcasing her bright eyes. Ally is really beautiful. But not in the conventional way, Stevie thinks to herself, She is just so striking... Stevie's trace is broken.

"Found a one!" Ally exclaims waving her arm to get the driver's attention.

The taxi pulls up in front of them, and the driver helps them put their bags in the trunk. Stevie slides into the back seat and is followed by Ally who tells the driver where they are headed. As they drive, Ally points out all the buildings of relevance they pass like a tour guide.

"And there is the music building," Ally says "right next to it is my Rez RVC and across the street is your Rez Citadelle."

The taxi stops and they pay the driver. After grabbing their bags, the taxi rolls away ad Stevie and Ally stand side by side on the sidewalk.

"I guess I gotta go to my Rez now," Stevie says

"Me too."

A long silence.

"It was really nice meeting you, Ally, I know we will see each other again."

"It was awesome meeting you too Stevie," Ally says looking at her feet.

Stevie isn't sure whether Ally is a "hugger," but she didn't want to take that chance and make things more awkward than they already were. So, she picks up her bags and waves saying " Bye Ally, I'll see ya later!"

"See ya," Ally says picking up her bags. She cooly crosses the street and Stevie watches her for a second. Ally has a really acute sense of style. Stevie looks down at her clothes tatter converse and old jeans.. Not on the same caliber as Ally's. She definitely needs some her fashion advice. They should be friends, Stevie finalizes in her mind. Yeah, friends, she reassures. She makes a mental note to text Ally later to hang out, seeing so far she is the only friend she has made here so far. But then it hits her. She forgot to ask for Ally's number. Plus, she didn't even have her last name to search her on Facebook. Damn. A little defeated, Stevie walks towards the large glass doors of her residence.

"Hopefully, I make friends in here," she mutters to her self scanning the large building she would be living in for the next year.

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