Chapter 4

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The bar is dimly lit. Stevie can only see the contours of Hannah's face vaguely as she talks to the bartender. 

"Here we are" Hannah says handing Stevie a rum and coke and taking a big gulp of her mysterious looking mixed drink. 

"Thanks," Stevie says holding the drink gingerly. 

Stevie has drank before. But drinking at a bar still seems like a novelty to her because the drinking age is only 18 in Montreal, while back at home it is 21. She surveys the bar. The place is kinda a dump, but in a hip way, in true Montreal fashion. A cute guy with round gold rimmed glasses and tousled hair winks at Stevie as he passes. People mill about the small space talking and laughing. There is a a purple haze about the room produced by a purple LED somewhere. The small stage at the back of the bar is bare aside from a drum set and and few microphones. Stevie is nervous and excited at the same time. She wants to go and meet new people. It's just that everybody here seems so cool and artsy. She probably won't have anything interesting to say. Plus, Ally would be here, too.

"Cool, bar isn't it? "Hannah says finishing off her drinking and gesturing to the bartender for another. 

"It really is," Stevie tucks a strand of hair behind her ear "we don't have places like these back home." 

"Really? We do. Just with less French," Hannah laughs "Have you seen Moonshine anywhere?" 

"No I hav--" 

Just then, a Moonshine appears, her curly blonde hair looking like a purple mass in the light. 

"Y'all having a good time ? TRSH bar is pretty dope isn't it?" she says rapidly wrapping her arm around Stevie. 

"Yeah! How did you hea--" Stevie begins. 

"Oh! How silly of me! I haven't introduced you guys to the squad" Moonshine interrupts "Follow me!"

Hannah and Stevie are whisked  away by the excitable Moonshine. They find themselves in the middle of all the room, surrounded by people. If there were to be a fire, Stevie is sure she would not be able to find a fire exit. 

"Yo! Fraaands" Moonshine hollers. "These are some cool new people I met in my Rez." 

She gestures to both Hannah and Stevie introducing them to the group. 

"Nice to meet you" a raven haired woman with red lips says cooly "I'm Natasha."

Natasha offers her hand and shakes both Stevie and Hannah's hand. Stevie can't help but notice her dark clothing and overall vampire aesthetic. She wears a black choker and her grin is mischievous. 

"Sup? I'm Ari" says a tall androgynous looking woman. Her curls create a purple halo (due to the lighting)  around her head and the muscles in her forearm,as she outstretches her hand to Stevie to shake, are prominent.  

"Are you excited to hear the band?" Natasha offers. 

"Yeah, Moonshine insisted we hear them!" says Hannah. 

"Cool," Ari takes a sip of her drink "Did Moonshine tell ya that our friends are in the band? Ally and Maxime." 

Stevie's cheeks get hot at the mention of Ally and she is about to explain how she might have met Ally in the airport earlier that day when Hannah answers : "Moonshine told us, but we haven't met them yet. Do you also study here in Montreal?" 

"Yeah I do, I study linguistics , but I'm really into history these days."

The two  launch into a conversation about linguistics and history (it turns out they have very similar majors) and Stevie doesn't want to interrupt. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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