Chapter 1: The Arrival

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~7:00 p.m.~

~British Airways~

Ela's POV

I went down the plane and took my bag before walking out the arrival area.

Whew. I'm so nervous yet excited. What will Eleanor look like after two years? Yes, it's been two years since she left. I never got to see her after she left. I was in New York modeling and playing soccer. I also learned to play the guitar since I went to New York. And now since I turned eighteen mom and dad wants me to move to London with El and her boyfriend Louis Tomlinson and the other boys of One Direction as well. I never get to meet Louis since El and he started dating. But now I'll be living with them. Gee, what's it like living your life in London and staying with One Direction and your sister in one house for the rest of your life?

"Ela?" I heard someone call my name which snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned to look and it was Eleanor with his boyfriend.

"El?" I whispered. The view of my sister in front of me who I haven't seen for a long time made my eyes water.

"Oh my god." She said as she started tearing up and ran to hug me.

"El!" I exclaimed. She engulfed me in a tight hug and I hugged back. God, I miss her scent. It's been so long ever since I got to hug her like this.

"Oh how I missed you!" she exclaim in a British accent causing me to giggle.

"I missed you more." I whispered as I hugged her even tighter.

"How are you?" she asked as we let go of the hug.

"I'm absolutely great! What about you?"

"I'm great!" she exclaimed and I giggle. I just love hearing her talking in that accent. She doesn't even sound like the old Eleanor back home. But I like it.

"I'm glad to hear that." I chuckled. I then caught my eye on Louis. Eleanor saw me looking at him and she grabbed Louis by the hand.

"Lou, you finally met my sister Ela. Ela, my boyfriend. Louis Tomlinson." El introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Ela." he said as he held out his hand for me to shake.

"Hello." I greeted shyly as I returned the handshake. He's not so bad for my sister. The lad looks good.

"So this is the talented, sporty chick Eleanor is talking about?" he asked and I shrug.

"The one and only." I reply and he chuckled.

"Hey, it's getting late. We should be getting home." Eleanor suggested and we nodded. I was about to take my bags when Louis stopped me.

"Here, let me bring your bag." Louis suggested as he took a grip on my bag's handle.

"No, it's okay. Let me bring it-" I reply but he cuts me off.

"Let me." He said.

"Fine." I reply giving up. Such a gentleman. Mum and dad would be pleased once they'd meet him. We then hopped in the car and went off.

"So how's your modeling career in New York Ela?" Eleanor asked.

"It's great." I reply confidently.

"Glad to hear that." She replied and I chuckled under my breath.

After a few minutes we stopped in front of a huge house. So this must be it.

God, the thought about living with them for almost an eternity made me feel nervous. What will the other guys think of me? I heard they all live in the same house. That must be pretty cool. Living in the same house with your friends and no parents to nag at you? They must be living the life.

I hopped out the car with my bag. We walked up the door and Louis knocked. After a few knocks the door opened revealing Harry Styles with a champagne in his hand.

"Hey guys! You're here!" he exclaim as he looked at me and smiled.

"So you're Ela?" he asked and I nodded as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm Harry." He introduced as he held out his hand for me to shake.

"Hello." I greeted and I shook his hand. Such soft hands. I could touch at them forever.

"Come on let's get inside." Louis muttered. As we went in we saw the other boys, two girls talking and laughing. They then stopped and looked at me when I got in. Well this is awkward. I'm not used to people staring at me.

"Look who's here." Eleanor said excitingly.

"Hello!" they all exclaimed in unison and I waved at them.

"Ela, this is Liam, Zayn, Niall, Danielle and Perrie." Eleanor introduced and I smiled at them.

"Nice to meet you Ela. Wow, you look a lot like Eleanor." Perrie, the blonde one said and I giggle.

"Well we are sisters." I laughed.

"Nice to meet you Ela." Danielle greeted as she held out a hand for me to shake.

"Hi." I said and I shook her hand. Why do British people all have soft hands??

"Come with me." She said as she dragged me upstairs. As we ran up the staircase, my heart was beating twice as fast. Where is she taking me? I just got here and now somebody's already dragging me to heaven knows where!

Wait, no. I'm overreacting.

"Um, where are we going Danielle?" I asked.

"To your new room." She said smilingly.

"Really? I get to have my own room now?" I asked excitingly and she nodded. Well this is good. I thought I was going to sleep in some guest room or whatever. But actually, I get to have my own room. Can this get any better??

We then stopped in front of a white door. She looked at me excitingly and I laughed nervously. I twisted the door knob and went in.

Holy shitcakes.

"This is my room??" I ask excitingly.

"Yeah! You like it? Me and Perrie designed it." She said with a light chuckle.

"Oh I love it!" I exclaimed. The walls were painted purple; it has a pink king sized bed, pink curtains, and a pink large floor mat on the floor. It also has two doors. One leading to the bathroom, the other to a walk in closet. Cool, I always wanted a walk-in closet. But mum would always refuse.

"Danielle I love it! It's perfect!!" I exclaimed giving her a bone crushing hug.

"I'm glad you love it!" she replied as she hugged me back. When I realized what I just did, I quickly let go and a blush crept in my cheeks. I don't usually hug people like that. Well, except when I'm excited or whatever. Eh, Danielle didn't seem to mind.

We then heard the door yank open. It was Liam.

"Dinner is served girls." He declared. I then felt my stomach rumble.

"So you finally saw your room?" Liam asked and I nodded.

"What do you think?"

"I love it! It's perfect." I said as I looked around.

"I'm glad you like it. Come on, let's have dinner." And with that, the three of us walked downstairs and joined the others for dinner.

Wow, I never thought my first day here in London would actually turn out as one of my best ones. Let's just hope my life gets better here as days goes by. Any One Direction fan would kill for my place right now.

A/N: WeyHey! What's up guys? So the story is undergoing some major editing cause some chapters here are shitty. I have to edit them all. Hehe, sorry :3.

Anyways, I hope you guys like it! x

P.S.: I'd defenitely appreciate if you'd vote for this chapter. :) x

Eleanor Calder's Sister ∞ Harry Styles (MAJOR EDITING) (ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang