Chapter 7: The Nando's Incident

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~12:00 p.m.~


Harry’s POV

I felt the car stop. I fluttered my eyes open and saw that we’re here. I looked down to see Ela sleeping peacefully under my arms and I smiled to myself.

“Harry.” I heard Lou whisper and I looked at him.

“Excuse me but I better carry Ela up to her room. Queen’s orders.” He whispered referring to Eleanor and I chuckled. I hopped out of the car with my bag and went in as l looked at Louis carrying Ela at her back sleeping peacefully.

Aw, isn’t that cute?

“Hey Haz.” Dani said causing me to jump a little.

“Oh god Danielle you scared the shit out of me.” I said and she chuckled.

“Sorry. Can I talk to you??” she asked and I nod. She then grabbed me by the arm and went in the dining room where no one was there.

“So uhm, what’s up?” I ask.

“I know you like Ela.” She smirked and I blush a little.

“Seriously? Do we really have to talk about this?” I ask and she chuckled.

“Come on, Harry I know you do. Why don’t you ask Ela out on a date?” she asked and I choked on my saliva.

“You serious??!” I ask and she nodded excitingly.

“I don’t know Dan, I don’t think she’ll say yes.” I mumble as I looked down on my lap and played with my fingers.

“Why wouldn’t she? Harry she knows that you’re a cheeky, handsome, kind guy and any girl will be lucky to date you! She will say yes. Trust me.” She said as she held my hands giving it a reassuring squeeze. I then thought about it for a moment.

~3:00 p.m.~

Ela’s POV

I woke up to the sound of the guys shouting and laughing outside.

As I woke up I saw that I was in my room. I then hopped out of bed and fixed my hair. That’s when my stomach rumbled.

Oh shit I haven’t eaten lunch earlier!!

I went downstairs and I suddenly bumped at someone. Before I knew it my butt is now on the floor.

Just great.

“Woops! Sorry babe!” I heard a raspy voice say as he held out a hand.

“Oh. Hey Harry. It’s okay.” I said as I took his hand helping me stand up.

“Harry I’m gonna kill your sorry ass!!” I heard Louis yell from downstairs.

“Uhm, what are you guys doing??” I ask.

“I kinda pulled a prank on him and he’s really mad at me right now.” Harry chuckled and we heard footsteps.

“Gotta go! Bye!” Harry exclaimed as he ran across the hallway.

“Where are you Ha-“ Louis said but stopped as he saw me.

“Hey love. You’re awake now.” He said smilingly.

“Uhm, obviously.” I said in a duh tone.

“Oh well. If you’re hungry there’s food in the fridge.” He said and I nod. I then went downstairs and went in the dining room. I then walked in the fridge to see nothing but cold beverages.

“Well this is absurd.” I whispered and I felt my stomach rumble again.

“Hey Ela.” Harry said from behind me causing me to jump a little.

Eleanor Calder's Sister ∞ Harry Styles (MAJOR EDITING) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now