Emma, Lemon, and the Popular Kids

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WARNING: This is beyond cheesy. It's hilarious. What was I thinking as a kid? (Written sometime before 2010)

Emma burst into her apartment. "I can't believe she called me a jerk! What'd I do?" She looked out the window. "I wish I had some friends. That would be so cool." She got the courage to look outside her door. She peeked around the corner. Jessica, John, and Daniel were heading to her room.

She wondered if it was safe to climb out the window and jump, since her apartment was on the second floor. She decided that if she landed in the bush, she would be fine, since the bush almost took up the height of the first floor.

She made a wild dash out the window, almost missing the ledge. She held onto the side, keeping her feet as close to the wall as possible. Twisting about along the ledge, she jumped, almost missing the giant bush. She squirmed about, trying to uncurl herself from the bush's branches.

Finally, when she was free of the branches, she took time to think of where she was to go next. She thought the neighborhood diner would be a great place to think of what to do next. She didn't want to have another run-in with the popular kids.

All the popular kids never wanted to get caught in the diner. Most of them, when dared, would rather have the consequence then go in. When her friend, Martha, was dared, she simply said, "No, I'll die before I go in there." Later that day, she was dared again, with a price-tag of death.

Emma had cried when she heard the news. In revenge, Emma made vowed that she would always go in the place. Emma didn't want to be some stuck-up cry-baby popular kid who would die not to go in the diner.

So Emma went into the diner, shoulders sagged, tears dripping down her face, asking for a bottled water. Lemon, Emma's best-friend who owned the place, noticed how upset she was. "Emma, what's wrong?" he simply said. "You know, you know," Emma sobbed quietly, "The pop-popular k-kids. W-why you ask?" He shrugged and leaned in. "I know they bother you, but you can't let them get to you." He said, kissing her cheek.

Emma looked up at him, her eyes dried up, no longer crying. "Thanks. Y-you're a big h-help." Emma choked. He looked longingly into Emma's eyes. "I love you." He whispered in his thoughts. "I wish we could be more than friends."

She casually whispered, "Good-bye!" and went off back to her apartment.


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