Draco x Reader

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You were on your way to potions class when you felt your books fall to the floor. You looked up to see Pansy Parkinson holding hands with her boyfriend Draco Malfoy. "That's what you get mudblood!" She yelled so everyone in the hall could hear. "C'mon Pansy be nice." You heard Draco whisper in her ear. Wait what? He was defending you? This was weird. He was usually being an ass. What happened? "DRACO! HOW DARE YOU! WE ARE OVER!" Pansy shouted. "Woah chill." Draco muttered under his breath. "Wow. I'm really sorry Draco." You said quietly. "Just forget it." He said in an arrogant way before storming off. After class was finished you were really tired so you decided to skip dinner and go to bed. You put your hands in your pockets and started toward the (your house) common room. You felt a bit of parchment and pulled it out. It said;
It is crucial that I speak with you. Meet me on the astronomy tower at 8:00 pm this evening.

Thanks, M

M? Who's M? Whatever this was, it wasn't normal. Probably some prank pulled by a first year. You decided to go anyways, since you were a curious person.
It was five to eight so you went up to the astronomy tower. When you got there you didn't see anyone. Yep, probably a prank. You rolled your eyes and went to the stairs. "Leaving so soon?" You heard a voice behind you say. You turned around to see Draco, with a sad look on his face. "Malfoy?! What are you doing here?" You asked, shocked at his sudden appearance. "Did you get my note?" He questioned. "Yes... erm... uhh so what did you need to speak with me about?" Draco didn't respond with words, but by pulling you closer by your waste. You let out a gasp but was silenced by Draco's lips being pressed into yours. Without thinking you kissed back. The way your lips moved in sync was quite enjoyable. You pulled away after a bit. "So..." Draco broke the silence between you. "Date me?" You nodded and kissed him once again.
Hope you like and see you in the next one!
Holly Xx

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