Samantha x Draco

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For @Sammy_Eileen_15
Ugh. Why do I have to go another 3 years taking all this crap. Almost every day he finds a new way to get on my nerves and it drives me absolutely INSANE! But the worst part, is that I can't get him off my mind...

Draco's POV
That train ride was hell. I spent the whole time listening to Pansy talk about how I don't express my feelings for her enough. She's a stupid whiny girl who I never knew why I dated in the first place. This year I feel I should start fresh, well after I've ended it with Pansy of course. But all the stress that's filling up my mind I don't really have time to care about things like that. I never let anything on that subject get in the way of my day to day activities.

End of POV

The two were about to walk past each other in the hallway, and when they did, Draco did his usual thing to the poor girl. "Maybe you should be more careful where you walk slut!" He shouted as he slammed her to the wall. She felt defeated, and angry but sorrowful at the same time. All she wanted to do was cry. So that's what she did. After all her classes were finished she walked out the castle's doors to a tree just left of Hagrid's hut, where she went when she needed to relax. What she didn't know, was that someone had followed her there. She was sitting against the tree, tears running down her face, when she heard a twig snap on the other side. "Sam." She heard someone whisper. She stood up, confused at what she had heard. Then he walked towards her, his blonde hair blowing in the wind. "What the hell do you want with me?!" She asked angrily. "Your attention." He said calmly. "What I've been doing to you these past four years, was what I do to anyone that's near me when I'm enraged. But the truth is, I think you're the most beautiful person I've ever shoved into a wall. And that's saying something. So please, will you just forgive me?" He waited for her answer in hesitation. After about 10 seconds, he said "Time's up." He then grabbed her by the waist and kissed her passionately.

Ahhh I'm sorry this took so long you guys! Exams have been hell for me and I just haven't had as much time. But I promise all of you that after Boxing Day updates for this story will be more frequent. Happy Holidays everybody!

Holly Xx

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