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Aladdin's POV

Two days since the ceremony and we already have very little time for each other. Paperwork, meetings, paperwork, requests, paperwork, ceremonies, paperwork, paperwork, paperwork! It's going to drive me insane if it goes on like this. Don't get me wrong, I love Jasmine and I would do anything for her, but I kind of miss my old home. On the streets. I haven't been able to sleep since I became sultan.

Jasmine just came in from her walk outside in the garden. He placed her hand on my shoulder an I took it an kissed her hand.
" how was your walk, Jasmine?"

"It was alright, I guess."

"Why what's wrong?"

"I just sometimes get the feeling that we don't get time for each other anymore. I miss you."

"I agree. Maybe we should go for a carpet ride tonight. Just you and me. For one night. We can catch up with each other. Or we can go out tonight. To my old home. I miss it there."

"Anything for you, Aladdin. "

I smiled warmly to her. She was an amazing woman. I loved every curve and every edge of her. All of her perfect imperfections. She smiled back at me and walked away. I had to finish with the paperwork.

The stranger stared at the couple. They were so lovely together, it made him sick to my stomach. Soon Aladdin. Very soon. Jasmine will have no choice but to marry him and make him sultan. That Aladdin ruined hi life. Now he will take Aladdin's life away. Bit by bit. He has to do this today. He won't get a clearer shot than this. Aladdin is alone in the room and everybody else is busy. Now is the right time to do this.
The stranger climbed the wall and hopped over the balcony's edge. He approached the open curtain and window. The young king sighned paperwork like there was no tomorrow. Now was the perfect time to capture him. The stranger approached the young man and got his golden claws ready to strike. But before he could take action, an old man came through the door andthe stranger ducked down next to the wall.
It was the previous sultan. He came to reassure Aladdin.

"It's alright, my boy. The paperwork will be done soon. There's only two hundred left." The young sultan sighed deeply. And buried his face in his arms.

"are there more packages of paperwork after that?"

"No, this is the last box. I believe that you'll be a great king after this is done."

"I don't know, sir. I don't think that I am ready for it. It's a big responsibility and I am just a street rat, remember?"

"You are much, much more than that, Aladdin. You are the king, the husband of my daughter, the son of the king of thieves, you are a magnificent person. With a life full of adventure. And a great future ahead of you."

"Thank you sir. For cheering me up. I needed it."

"And it is all true. Fear not, my boy, for a bright future awaits."
The young king smiled up at him. The queen's father patted his shoulder and left. Aladdin went on with the paperwork and sighed once again.
The stranger came oug of the shadows once again and was ready to strike when the queen strolled in and he had to hide again.

"Are you ready for the night, my darling? "

"Yes, Jasmine. I just need to finish this piece of paperwork and then I'm all yours." That's it! Exactly what he needed. When the two comes back, they will depart and that would be the perfect time to capture the young sultan.

The stranger grinned and crept away. Soon Aladdin, very soon...

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