the carpet ride

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Aladdin's POV

Once I finished the paperwork I walked with Jasmine to the balcony where Carpet waited for us. I climbed on him and helped Jasmin on. We touched the sky and clouds and we passed China with their amazing parades and fireworks.

I picked a flower for Jasmine and put it in her hair. She was truly the most beautiful girl in the world. I was so lucky to have a princess like her in my life. When we turned around, we decided to watch the Chinese parade. We talked about what we have been up to these past few days and our feelings for each other. It was nice to talk again. It was also nice to not have to stare down at paperwork and wonder whether I should sign it or not.

It was getting really late when we finally arrived back at the castle. Jasmine told me that she would be waiting for me in our room and I told her that I wanted to take a walk outside. Outside the palace walls. Back at my old home. I just wanted to think for a while. She smiled and we departed. I sat down by the water fountain and thinked. Suddenly, I felt a cloth come around my mouth and something hard hitting my head. I felt pain spread through my body and liquid blossoming on the back of my head. I only got a quick look at the guy before he shoved me into a bag. Soluk.

Soluk had seen the young sultan sitting on the fountain outside and felt that it was now or never. He grabbed a thick piece of log and his handkerchief. When the sultan wasn't looking, Soluk clasped his hand with the handkerchief in it over Aladdin's mouth and knocked him on the head with the piece of wood. He clearly saw the boy's head starting to bleed and saw the boy lose consciousness. He grinned. That was exactly what he wanted. If he didn't hurry,the queen would come looking for Aladdin and see Soluk witb her husband in a bag. He flung the bag over his shoulder and climbed over the palace walls after a while of walking, he heard groaning sounds coming from the bag. Not yet! He thought and hit the bag again. It went limp again an he was sure that the boy had fallen unconscious again. He kept on walkiing until he reached the sea and yelled," open sesame!" The sea opened up a path for him to run through. When he came through, he smiled and threw the open bag into a cell so that the sultan could finally come out. A groan came out and Soluk smiled again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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