Chapter 1

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- Day 1 of High School -

" Bye dear " she said as she gave her a peck on her forehead

" Socialize in school , make friends okay? " she added as she passed me my lunch

" Bye mom " I bade goodbye

I wore my shoes and got out of the house .

I plugged in my earpiece and went on to school.

I walked passed the different people in school as they eyeballed me from head to toe whispering " who's that " to each other.

She tried hard to ignore those unfriendly eyes and continued making her way over to the school's office.

" Hello, I'm Nam Joohyun. I'm a new student here " she greeted the teacher in the office.

" oh yes , Nam Joohyun. Here, " the teacher handed her a piece of paper

" you've been posted to class 2-4 and here's your timetable for the rest of the year. I'm your homeroom teacher, Mr Lee. Now, let me bring you to class. " He said

They began walking to class.
She clenched her fingers tightly together repeating her introduction speech over and over again.

" hello my name is Nam Joohyun, I'm from.... "

Too late, she has reached outside the class. She was really nervous , she felt her heart pumping out of her chest .

" you wait here " Mr Lee commanded

She nodded.

" Okay Joohyun-ah you can do this! You can! You can!!! " she pep talked herself.

Mr Lee whistled for her attention and signaled her to come into the classroom .

She took a deep breath and went in.

All eyes were on her.

" Hello! My name is.. uhm ... "

Everyone couldn't hear what she was saying at all.

Mr Lee gave Her a pat on the shoulder and whispered " Don't be afraid, you can do it! "

She took another deep breath and went for it.

This time speaking louder.

" Hello! My name is Nam Joohyun. Nice to meet you. Please take care of me from now on . "

She managed to spat out her speech but she went back to being her awkward self again.

" alright Joohyun-ah please take a sit right next to Inhyung "

She obeyed and sat right next to her.

" hi! " Inhyung greeted with smiles

Joohyun gave a slight bow and a smile.

" oh no, you're one of those socially awkward kids arent you? " inhyung asked

" uhmm you can say that..."

" Let's be friends, I'll help you socialize around this school " she stretched her hand out for a handshake.

Joohyun shyly shook her hand and smiled.

" okay... let me introduce this class to you .. that's Yoomin, she thinks she's the queen or whatever just because her boyfriend's the top dog in this school, going around bullying people. Thats Yuna and Yuri. Yuna and Yuri are twins and they basically follows Yoomin around. Yuri's the smart one and Yuna's the uhm dumb one. And lastly those seven boys you see there... " she pointed in their direction.

Joohyun saw this boy with muscular arms, shiny black hair, fine jawline. He was literally shining in her eyes . The both of them made eye contact. Joohyun suddenly felt that she was floating in the air and that the whole world stopped. Just the two of them staring at each other. She thought he was cute until Inhyung snapped her back into reality.

" Yo! NAM JOOHYUN! You listening? "

" oh yeah, sorry what? "

" As I was saying, those 7 boys are the real top dogs here. They've got everything, the looks, the hair, the cuteness, the EVERYTHING!!! Many people gave that " gang " a name - iKON " she repeated

" woah IKON ? "

" Its IKON with a K " Inhyung explained.

" woah whats that supposed to mean? " Joohyun asked raising an eyebrow

" they wanna be the icon of the school and since they're so cool and whatnot so the replaced the 'c' with a 'k' get it? " she grinned

Joohyun nodded.

She once again, stared at how perfect that boy is and sighed.

" I couldn't have him even if I want him "

A/N; hello guys!! How's the story ? :) please vote my story and stay tuned for more!!! You guys could also PM me to suggest some endings for this story ? Yey! :)

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