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"do i get popcorn?"
you asked
from the other end of the side
which i was sitting on.

"did you think
that this is some kind of restaurant?"

"they don't have popcorns at restaurants, leah,"
you said matter-of-factly,
"do get your facts right."

over the yellings
of the ronnies and wills
in television
my mother yelled,
"be nice, leah kendrick!
offer him the ruffles on the fridge."

"thank you, jennifer,"
you said, eyeing me smugly.

how you even knew my mother's name
shall be a mystery to me
and judging from that smirk
plastered stubbornly on your face
you weren't about to tell me,

<\ tell me you know which ronnie and will i was talking about and i'll love you forever 💝

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