Didnt see it-His POV

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It all happened so fast. I put my phone down from texting the beautiful Camden.

I all a sudden she a car slam on his breaks but I was too slow to do the same.

My car going into his. Sharp pains filled my body. Then everything was black.

C A M D E N S. P O V ~

I hit the TV on and the new channel piped on and I watched it. And I listened.

"Today a local car crash on main street an sixteen year teenage boy in a coma and a lady the age of twenty-four has minor injuries. The lady came into a complete stop and the boy had not enough time to stop in time to have saved this from happening" the news reported said very professionally like he reheressed for this a thousand times. Only that it happened I fifteen minutes ago.

I wonder who he is. I hope whoever these two people are will be okay especially the guy in the coma, wait...

SavedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ