Shawns Pov

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"Camden I don't"

"You don't what?!" Camden said worried

"I don't love you at least I don't think I mean I don't know"

"... "

"You left me for Tyler Camden you left me in the dust now I don't know if I can forgive or love you anymore"

She cried "I'm sorry"

"Sorry doesn't cover what you did to me"

She cried even more "I know , that's why I'll be done"

"What do you mean done Camden?"He asked concernedly

"I'm done"

"Camden no"

"I can't take anymore"


"If you were me you would do the same because I can't take anymore,everything is not alright and I would rather die"

"No stop"

"I love you but if you don't I have nothing else to love for because Shawn your my everything"

"Please Camden don't try and kill yourself"

"I love you Shawn"

"I love you too Camden"

"Do you really?"

"I think so...yes! I do ! I love you more than anything Cam"

Camden hugged Shawn and he hugged her.

-Shawn loved Camden or it was just a lie to keep her alive?❤

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