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"Amity." the guy says. I think his name is Edward, I can't keep track of many people in the system. I think I'll call him Tough Guy, note the sarcasm. "but you just ran like Dauntless."

I'm about to bite back with something when Four grabs my arm. He knows me all too well.

"I have no idea what this one is." tough guy points to Caleb.

"Look, we just need to get close to the city, that's all." Four replies as Tough Guy walks up close to him.

"Too bad, trains taken. And you damaged our cargo." around us the factionalism agreed with quiet murmurs.

"These are Abnegation bolts and your factionless right?" Caleb spoke up quickly, walking over.

I grabbed Tris' wrist and whispered in her ear. "This isn't going to end well. Stop him."

Tris nods and I knew she knew that what Caleb is doing is giving them all a death wish. In my opinion, I just don't want to meet their leader.

"Yeah I used to be Abnegation, we used the same bolts to make clothes for you." Caleb smiled.

"You're saying that we're stealing from you." Tough Guy smirked.

"Crap." I mumbled.

"No, n-no no no I'm no longer Abnegation so technically you're not stealing from me. No you're not stealing at all." Caleb babbled.

Tough Guy's resolve seemed to be melting away by the second.

"M-maybe I mean it's a question of semantics I suppose whether it's stealing or charity, it's all really the same." Caleb keeps babbling as Tough Guy's corners him and rests his hand on the back of Caleb's neck.

"That's enough." Tris shoves tough guy away and Four and I share a look.

We are totally gonna have to fight.

"Everybody relax, it's okay you made your point." Four says, keeping space between Tris and Tough Guy. "We'll get off your train alright?"

"Guys, let's everybody just relax okay," Tough Guy is mocking my brother and that's when I can barely take it anymore. "Why don't we uh..." he shoves Caleb through the opening of the train and Tris quickly catches him.

We all stand back to back as the factionless crowd around us, inching closer and closer.

"What about this little one huh," Tough Guy runs his fingers down the side of my face with a smirk. "You're better mannered than the others and way cuter than the other Amity chick."

"Don't touch her." Four snaps.

"Oh touchy." he smirks and rests a hand on my hip. "What do you say sweetheart?"

I'm about to make a move when Four lays a hand on my other hip. He's not gonna let me do anything I regret without thinking about it which would give him a good merit badge in Amity. But I won't regret this and I'm a Dauntless.

Looking up at Tough Guy I return the smirk and tilt my head slightly, letting a girlyness come about me.
"I would but uhm..." I raised my knee quick and hard, hitting him where it hurts most and watched him fall to the ground, red faced and groaning. I can hear the other start to fight around me but I ignore them as I bend down and whisper in his ear. "I'm taken."

Standing up I punch him in the face and watch as he goes down. A pair of arms suddenly wrap around me and I act quickly, twisting his right arm and flipping him over my head. Jumping to the next cart over, I catch Caleb fighting someone. I'm about to help when a foot knocks me in the back, sending me into the next wall.

I stumble and loose my footing, falling outside of the train. I grab the first thing I can hang onto which is luckily the handle to my left. My heart pounds as I dangle over the iron tracks, the wind hitting me so hard I can barely breath. I try to catch my foot on something but I keep Slipping.

Suddenly, I hear Tris screaming and struggling. Looking over, there's tough guy, with his hands around her neck, holding her head out of the car trying to push her off. She's fighting back with everything she has but it's not enough if someone doesn't do something.

I try harder to catch my foot on one of the holes in the car but the train is moving to fast for me to get any real grip. Tris' struggling stops and I know then that four has done something. I watch as.four helps her up quickly, but she then turns to me and holds out her hand. In a few seconds, I'm back inside the car, safe and sound.

Four takes my face in his hands and checks me for any bleeding or trauma. "You okay?"

"Get your hands off my face." I reply, panting.

"Yeah, you're fine." Four Chuckles does what I ask before standing up.

Tris helps me to my feet and we all turn to Tough Guy who's handed a knife and getting ready to stab us. Tris is about to go after him when Four stops her and looks at the knife.

"Tobias Eaton." he says.

"Four, what are you doing?" I tug on his sleeve and he pushes me behind him.

"You say that again." Tough Guy demands.

"Tobias and Jayline Eaton." Four repeats.

"What you know them?" Tough Guy asks, struggling with the concept of our names.

"We are them." Four replies.

I run a hand through my now even messier hair and close my eyes. He's done it now.

"What, you in this blonde skinny broad?" Tough Guy pointed to Tris and I stood beside Four again.

"No," I spoke up. "him and me."

Tough Guy chuckled. "We have been looking for you."

Four turned to Tris and she whispered something to him, probably wondering what the hell was going on. Well she was about to find out in the next half hour.


When it's time, we all jump from the train and follow Tough Guy through a few tunnels. For the first few minutes, Tris asks Four what's going on and Caleb asks me.

"I don't understand any of this." Caleb says.

"You don't need to." I reply.

"But at least tell me where we're going." he begs.

"Factionless hideout." I say, vaguely.

"They have a hideout?"

"You have no idea."

The rest of the walk was silent, until we got inside the "abandoned" building where a whole army of factionless is preparing guns, running drills and making a living. It's an almost perfect little society.

Getting to the end of the line, a bunch of factionless soldiers move out of our way to reveal a woman just a bit shorter than me, with all my looks. I just look younger.

"Tobias...Jayline." she says softly.

"Hello mother." Four replies.

Without another word, he walks past her and into the dwelling in front of us, Caleb and Tris following. I'm left standing alone.

She looks at me with sorrow filled eyes and I know she's about to apologize.

"Don't bother. You lost that right a long time ago." I say, before walking past her and joining my friends.



:) I'm sorry it took so long but today is a good day and I hope to have new chapters out.

I'll be away next week for camp so hopefully the rest of this week I can write to my heart content and update as much as possible.

Don't worry for all those who are waiting for Uriah and Jay to meet up again, it's in the next chapter which I am writing rn so stay patient and beautiful and it'll be up soon :)


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