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I sit in my room looking over some schematics my mother gave me to see. A bunch if war plans and crap that I don't care about, but I'm trying to.

But I can't focus. Killing Eric was both refreshing and haunting. I hated it, but I felt like I got my revenge and that's something I never knew I wanted.

A knock at the door makes me jump slightly and I yell for them to come in. Uriah. Of course.

"Hey." he says, sitting on my bed.

"Hi." I get up and sit next to him. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to see if you were okay." he says.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just looking over some stuff my mom gave me." I reply.

"I meant from Eric and finding out you're a hundred percent Divergent." he says.

"Uriah, I'm fine." I say more forcefully.

"I'm just looking out for you." his voice rises slightly.

"Well you don't need to I said I'm okay!"

"When you talk to me like that it says otherwise." Uriah frowns.

"I said I'm okay. If you don't believe me just leave. Because I don't need that right now." I snap.

Uriah sighs and takes my hand. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm not like your mom and I'm certainly not like Adam."

"Adam died because of who he was and now I've fallen for someone exactly the same. How can you even say you're not going anywhere when you don't know what Jeanine's plan is?" I ask.

"I have faith." Uriah says, simply.

I take a deep breath and lay my head on his shoulder. All of a sudden everything goes black.

It's a weird experience and I'm not sure what's exactly going on but I feel like I'm sleepwalking. Only I wasn't tired two seconds ago. I can faintly hear Uriah and my mother. And then their voices are replaced with a scream and two other voices, along with my own.

"The traitor Tris Prior, must be surrendered to Erudite or everyday, more death will follow."

Am I saying that? I can barely tell. Everything is blocked and I can't seem to get a grip on anything. My chest hurts, and my head is pounding. Are other people feeling this too?

The warning is repeated a few more time before I feel a a sense if falling. An arm wraps around my waist and pulls me back. My head smacks against the concrete and I'm woken up. My chest erupts in a blazing pain and I can't help but let out a pained cry. Tori stands over me and tries to hold me down but I'm pushing against her, trying to grab at my chest.

I think she's telling me to calm down but I can't tell over my crying and pained screaming. It started to subside and I'm left with a dull ache, and a shaking body. Tori lifts me into her arms carefully and cradles me gently, whispering reassuring things in my ear.

What's going on?


"We removed this from the body of the suicide." my mom says in a meeting with everyone about an hour later.

"Marlene." I say quietly.


"Her name was Marlene." another girl speaks up.

"I'm sorry. Marlene." my mom corrects herself.

"It's a very sophisticated sim serum injector. It also has a radio transmitter in its head." Tori explains.

"How do we get then out?" Uriah asks.

"I don't know," Tori shakes her head. "this tech was built to defend itself." she holds up the transmitter and a pen and we all watch as it's wires wrap around the pen. "These tendrils, wrap around the nearest major artery. Try to remove them and...you kill the host."

Everyone starts to whisper nervously and Uriah slips his hand into mine.

"So what do we do?" Christina asks.

"Tori has to find a way to neutralize the disks before we do anything." Four replies.

"Or we can do the logical thing," Tough Guy speaks up. "and we hand her over. Nobody knows about this alliance and we have to protect that advantage. If we hand Tris over now, it might buy us some time!"

Many people agree.

"And what about Jay?" Someone in the crowd speaks up. "She's also what Jeanine's looking for so maybe it'll buy us more time than we realize."

Tris and I both look at each other. We're both thinking the same thing: we have to do it.

Four walks over to Tough Guy and stands in his face. "I think that's a good idea. Except you'll have to go though me first."

"Me too." Christina says.

"And all of us!" Uriah says as the rest of Dauntless agrees.

I suddenly feel sick and lean against Uriah for support. My mom sees me and I shake my head, telling her to stay focused. But she doesn't listen. She walks over to me and leads me into the infirmary.

My head spins and I bump into the bed before Uriah helps me to get on it. Tori checks me over and by the look on her face, it doesn't look good.

"So, how bad is it doc?" I chuckle, weakly.

"I wasn't sure...but now I..." Tori looks away and shakes her head. "I'm sorry."

"What are.you sorry for?" Evelyn demands.

"The tendrils has wrapped itself around her heart. And she's Divergent, she shouldn't have been in the sim. It's weakened her heart which has killed brain cells and now she's dying." Tori explains.

"You can fix it though right?" Uriah asks desperately.

"I can try. But I doubt I'll be able to do it and do a surgery in time." Tori says.

I nod and get down off the bed, stumbling. "Do the best you can."

Tori nods and I give her a small smile before slowly walking to my room. Laying down on my bed, I close my eyes and listen to the sound of my heart beat getting slower. I estimate that I have only a few days and knowing Tori, she can fix me by then.

I mean...I hope she can.

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