Chapter 5: Private Knows Best

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After healing Spock, Angel took Gimp and retreated back into their cell to await the inevitable consequences. She looked up in alarm as the door to the operation room opened and a form entered the room on the other side of the glass.

Bob shrank back in alarm, and Spock was aware of a faint, greenish tinge on his skin. He recalled what Celine had said about Bob requiring a larger amount of Argon to survive. That Argon had no doubt been depleted by the hole in between his cell and Gimp and Angel's. The Empath and the tiger did not need Argon, and as a result, their air had diluted the air in Spock and Bob's cell.

"Bob, are you all right?" Spock asked. "Do you require Argon?"

Bob shook his head.

No. I can survive without it for at least two weeks. I will be okay until they have patched the hole.

The figure on the other side of the glass stopped and placed her hands on the glass. "What...what happened?" Celine asked.

Gimp rolled his eyes. "The confinement got to me again, you worthless bitch. I've told you time and time again that my species wasn't meant for a cage." He stood up from his cot and walked to the glass, placing his furry paw over Celine's hand. It was at least twice as large as hers. "Maybe humans can survive in a cell, but not me. This is psychological torture for me."

There were tears in Celine's eyes. Spock rolled his eyes. It seemed she was always crying for some reason or another. Celine oozed emotion, and he found it very uncomfortable, even though his desire for her was no less powerful than it had been a few days ago. The truth was, the woman infuriated him. She turned a blind eye to what was going on, calling it by a less harsh name and defending it to herself so that she had no moral obligation to do anything about their slavery. The most potent emotion a Vulcan could ever experience was rage, and it was threatening to break through the intellectual walls Spock had set up. It had not been this potent since he was a child, being teased by the Vulcan children because of his Earth mother.

"I wish you would not cry, Celine," he said emotionlessly. "You have no reason to, since you clearly approve of the condition we are kept in."

"I...I," she sputtered, "I don't approve! Whatever gave you that idea? This is sickening!"

Spock strode forward and stared her down intensely. She shrank back, obviously afraid of the look on his face.

"You approve of everything they have done to us, Celine, because you have never tried to stop them. These men are barbarians, and you allow them to mutilate us as though we are cattle in some kind of Grey experiment. You continue to condone this madness and savagery even though you know I am half human and that doing so ignores my unalienable rights under your government's Constitution. Are we not men and women, same as you? When you prick us, do we not bleed, even if we bleed a different color? Your continued support for what they do to us is illogical if you do not approve of the torture we are subjected to."

Celine took a step back, her face murderous. "How dare you! I stuck my neck out for you, Spock! I saved your life when James wanted to let you die!"

Bob sighed.

She is a hypocrite, Spock. She saw your mutilated face as you lay on that examination table out there, and yet all she did was cry and run away. How logical is that response if she fought for your life?

Spock, however, remained as stoic as ever as he took another step closer to the glass. "That statement is illogical, Celine, and you know it. You saw me on that table, and the things they had done to me. My face was beaten to a pulp by those savages, and you did nothing but cry and run away. You are a coward, Celine. Nothing more, nothing less. My captain, James Tiberius Kirk, was worth twenty of you."

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