Chapter 8- Hard To Forget

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((A/N Hey Guys I'm so sorry about the lack of posting I have been busy))

Be Rufioh, it has been nearly four whole weeks since you were almost raped again, but was saved this time by your boyfriend Horuss. Seeing him as some type of hero and wanting nothing more then to cry for a long time. He sits in his room that was covered in darkness he never came out for what seemed like a week, Rufioh didn't eat a whole lot so slowly he was sinking back into sadness and nothing like the first time this happened. Hearing a knock on the door the Latino jumps slightly looking over, "Yeah..?" There was silence then a soft voice spoke through, "Rufioh..I was wondering if I could uh, come in?" It was his little brother, how could he deny the one person that looks up to him. "Sure little bud come in." He said, really wanting to see Tavros actually.

Be Tavros, you go into the room seeing your only brother/guardian sitting in the dark on his bed, noticing the fake smile as Rufioh attempted to play off he was fine, Tavros heads over closer and seemed upset. "Ruf, you really should let this uh, get to you." He plays with his hands nervously thinking hid words out carefully, "Please can we try and forget about this ever happen?" He watch the older Nitram stare at him then looks out his window, "How could I forget something like this Tav? It happened years ago only for it to come back to haunt me again." He commented although Tavros made a reply to this,"Um, but Horuss saved you this time shouldn't you at least remember the good things that have happen so far?" This made Rufioh think for a minute, "Didn't it make you mad and depressed after Vriska pushed you down the stairs? Didn't you feel any hate and sadness at all?" He says seriously and stares at Tavros. Thinking for a second Tavros shakes his head, "I did feel sad yeah, but I couldn't hate her even after what she did. I mean look at me now, I'm okay and so I just forgot all about it." He smiles softly crawling on the bed.

Be Rufioh, it clicked finally got through to him that's why Tavros was so happy he learned to forget every bad thing that happened to him, and brought in happiness to his life trying to find all the good things into his life. "Tav you're are so right..oh my god I didn't even realize that I need to let go, I can't let you down or anyone at that! Thank you." He hugs Tavros happily, the smaller one hugs back smiling. "Anytime Rufioh, remember just forget even when it's hard to" The older one nodded letting go.

It was late that night around 10:30 pm, Rufioh had been up all night texting Horuss talking about today. Seeing his boyfriend made his heart flutter with joy and wanted to be with him, but couldn't until tomorrow at school. Not like Horuss would come sneak into his house just to see him- Tap tap. This caught Rufioh's attention and opens his window, eyes widen down, oh you have to be joking there is no way. "Horuss! What are you doing!?" He whisper yells not to wake Tavros or alarm the neighbors. The taller male gets to the edge climbing in. "Seems a bit out of character I know, but I had to see you it's been weeks since you let anyone see you again." Making a point and stands hugging Rufioh, the other hugs back sharing a quite tender moment between them. "I love you." They both say, then laugh at this knowing what the other would say. They lay on the bed kissing and saying sweet things to one and other, "I missed you too much Horuss I don't think it's healthy." The messy haired teen comments, Horuss held him close, "I could say the same, I might sleep here for the night." He lays down cuddling next to him, Rufioh laying his head on the other's chest shutting his eyes falling asleep.

((A/N I lost the account for a long time so one reason I just couldn't up8 anything another thing is I'm back in school so its gonna be a bit hard with homework and stuff, I hope you all understand and holy crap I got 44 followers while gone!? Amazing!))

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