Chapter 4- Teasing

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Be the Reader, Rufioh went to his first period and it started off somewhat embarrassing for him, Cronus wouldn't stop making fun of him and how he was with Horuss of course Cronus was doing it in a friendly tease which ended up with Kankri scolded him and saying how triggering that is for some people. The Latino boy sat through the whole class period not paying attention the only thing that was on his mind was his new boyfriend, he blushes wondering if Horuss is thinking about him god it mad Rufioh so irritated that only Zahhak could make him blush and giggle like a school girl.

When the period ends Nitram's heart pounds in his chest, he share a class with his boyfriend next and for the rest of the day which made Rufioh even happier then ever that is until someone knocks him into a locker. It was bullies, they've never picked on him ever to his own guess it was because the red and black haired male was dating the football player. God people like them make him angry. "Hey Fagioh, what's it like dating a guy who just pitying you, because you looked a little depressed." The bully smirked the other two guys laugh, Rufioh gets up and walks away from them his arm hurts a little from the locker but he'll live. However the bullies didn't let up, two of them grabbed his shoulders and hold him up the third one that was making fun of him earlier walks up. "We aren't close to done yet Fagioh." He cracks his knuckles, Rufioh closes his eyes waiting to get punched. However Rufioh heard guys screaming and running away after a few cracks here and there.

Be Rufioh, You hold Horuss's hand after him, Mituna, Kankri, and Cronus kicked the bullies that decided to pick on you asse's and sent them running with some broken limbs along the way. "I'm glad you're okay Rufioh, I don't know what I would have done if they would've hurt you I couldn't live with myself." You blush hard at his words and look away from him hoping he doesn't see the blush. Horuss kisses you on the cheek only making you turn bright red. "Horuss stop embarrassing me." You say and pout, he laughs in return. After what seemed like years school ended and you head out to meet your other friends you freeze when you see her. Damara was standing there talking to the others you gulp hard and you fell you blood run cold. ' Why? Why now does she have to be here?' You wonder and that's when she speaks out in her Japanese accent. "Alright so I'm having a party like 5 years ago only it'll be way better so grab your dates and see you there tomorrow." She stares at you and winks then walks away. You shiver with fear and hope to god the same thing doesn't happen again. You have to go or else everyone will be curious and non stop ask you why you didn't go.

You get home and plan on making supper you call Tavros to help you cook when, THUD! You hear a noise you went upstairs to your brothers room and sure enough that's where the noises were coming from you press you ear against the door and listen.

"Ahh! Gamzee harder please!" "Motherfucker your so Damn tight I swear!" You hear a noises, slowly you back away and head downstairs. Maybe you'll wait on supper.

(A/N Sorry for a short chapter, it'll happen a lot I hope you readers understand.)

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