Chapter 3 First day at School !

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Luhan,Sehun ,Kai and I walk into the classroom.The teacher introduces my to the class and seats me at the back row Sehun in front of me Luhan on my right and Kai  my left.Too much of a coincidence .......right?Before lessons start Sehun turns his chair around facing me.

Sehun:Hey Aecha can i look at your timetable?

Me:Ye go ahead.

I hand him my timetable,he examines it carefully then suddenly has a big smile on his face.Then hands back my timetable.

Sehun:*happily*We got all same classes :D Isn't that awesome !Yehet !!!!!

Me:With just you ?

Sehun:No, you,me,Luhan and Kai !!!

Omo classes with them thats gonna be so kewl :D!

Me:Thats great Sehun :D

Teacher:Hey hey now class has started stop talking you two lovebirds

We both look at the tall teacher giggling slightly like a teenager.Sehun blushes I suddenly realise that i am too ! Omo this is so embarrassing!!!Class starts.After 45minutes i lift my head as Sehun hands me a piece of paper and brings his chair to my table.

Me:Omo ! Sehuna wtf are you doing ???

Sehun:Weren't you listening haha the teacher said we have to work in pairs so i decided to pair up with you XD

Me:Ah i see i guess i must have dozed off hehe.

Sehun:Silly girl

I look at him and his handsome famous,looking at every detail.Suddenly he pinches my nose and smirks at me.

Sehun:Hey focuse ! We only got 10 minutes or we won't have lunch !!

Me:Huh?WHAT !!!!Omo sorry ><!

Sehun:Thats ok lets work on it ok

We completed the worksheet in time.Mannn Sehun sure is smart and funny . He keeps on making hilarious jokes XD We walk out of the class room.

Me:Hey Sehun why is the school day short here ?(Author note: btw this is a very different school for famous people so they make school short like only 3 lessons a day !)

Sehun:Its a very special school

Me:I see well thats kewl !

Sehun:Yup ! I sure am hungry . Wanna grab a bite ?

Me:YUP! I am starving but lets wait for the res-

Sehun grabs my hand and we run out of the school.


He looks at me confused.

Sehun: We are going to get lunch

Me:Doesn't the school have a canteen?

Sehun:Well ya but thats in a different area 10 mins away from here usually student go out to a fast food place and eat ! I told you this school is special !!

Me:Ok XD Lets go!

I guess this school is really weird huh ?We ran to a burger joint and go inside and sit at a table by the window.I look at the menu.

Me:Hmmm what should i get?

Sehun:Mega spicy burger meal !!!!

Me: Ahaha ok ill get that then :3

Sehun orders for both of us.When the meal arrived i munched it down.Then i looked up at Sehun,he was looking at me seriously.Gosh im gonna die he looks so hot!!!

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