Chapter 1

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Juliet's p.o.v 

''When did you get a sister?''

''16 years ago.''

''Why didn't I know about her?''

''I didn't want to her in the spotlight.''

Silence passed through the group, as everyone followed me through the field.

''Soooo.....Where are we going?''

''The Sandlot. It's a baseball field where Winni and her team go.''

''Her name is....Winni?''

''Short for WinniFred.'' I grouched.

What? It was hot, and I wanted to see my sister, sue me for being a bitch.

''How much longer? The humidity's killing my hair!!'' Ashley groaned murmurs of agreement passing through the air.

Right as I was about to answer a loud *CRACK* resonated through the air. It was so loud you could have mistaken it for thunder.

''What was that?!?!'' Bryan yelled clinging to Johnnie, said boy trying to pry the blonde off. 

''From how loud it was probably one of the girls or....actual thunder.''

''Oh hell no. I will be walking back to the hotel if I feel even a little drop of rainwater.'' Ashley snapped, hip cocked, looking like an all round Diva.

I rolled my eyes, a smile playing on my lips.

*The Sandlot*

''There she is.'' I pointed to a girl who had her black hair pulled back into a bun, track shorts, and sports bra on swinging a bat around.

''She doesn't look like you.'' Andy did that cute head tilt, making himself look like a confused puppy.

''She was adopted.'' My reply came out harsher than I intended it too.

''Come on I think practice is almost over.'' I told them, grabbing Andy's hand, and dragging him to the bleachers, everyone else following.

Plopping down on the 4th row, I got  a good view of my sister working her ass off, practicing to be the best of the best.

(A/N: I know that The Sandlot is a movie but I couldn't think of a name so it was a good movie.)

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