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go to the park and swing so high you feel your stomach jump.

sing loudly and scream and cry
and fucking express what you are.

when nothing goes right escape to where you feel safest. 

sit on the ground in your backyard and feel the soil.

feel your heart beat and listen to the silence.

you are a real person in this insanely large universe. maybe you mean nothing to the stars but everything to the people around you. you can't run from the dread of stress and hurt but you can make the world seem  less like its out to get you with comfort food and great music. the planets don't revolve around you and the sun doesn't shine to make you smile. you are in charge of your own fucking self and you need to get up and life your life before it's gone.
I don't know if I'll wake up tomorrow and I know for damn sure I don't want to die with regrets.


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