I sat on my bed alone. Kitty had left a little while ago because she had to study for her final exams for the school semester. Now that I was an X-Men I didn't have to go to school anymore.
Just sit around being bored all day.
My unfinished sandwich lay next to my pillow in it's wrapping. I didn't have an appetite anymore so I figured why try and finish it? The reasons being were Warren was gone and my stomach was starting to act up again.
Why was I getting sick anyway? I've never been sick in my entire life so why was I starting now? Believe me, it wasn't a pleasant feeling. I sighed and threw my hands over my face and groaned. Why is life so complicated? Couldn't things play themselves out for once? Crazy phsyco mutants, scary nightmares and getting sick for the first time? I was still trying to register off the shock. Life was much more simpler before...
Before what? Staying in solitary day after day dealing with people who despised me? That wasn't a life. Well now that I put it that way this was much better than that. At least I had some place where I belonged.
Soon as I sat there, I heard a pitter patter above me. I looked up to see it raining. Well, for once the weather was matching my mood. I smirked and got up to close the open window then paused. Let's see, I had an open window, drizzling rain and nothing to do? This was a perfect opportunity to practice the things I learned in Warren's lessons.
I looked behind my shoulder to see if anyone was watching, unraveled my wings and took to the sky. The rain fell lightly down on my back and legs as I shot upward into the sky. The clouds were strangely lower than before so I had to keep low as to not run into them and get lost.
The cool wind felt nice against my feverish skin. Luckily I wasn't light headed or as sick as I was before. Plus I didn't want to be. I flew for a few more miles and started to practice the maneuvering techniques I remembered. Loop after loop, twist after twist and dive after dive I went. Soon I was panting and pushing harder. I tucked in my wings and sky rocketed towards the ground. Fanning them out, I slowly came out of the dive and was just barely above the tree tops. The view seemed unchanging. Just a haze of green and grey above. I got bored and turned West to go back towards the mansion.
The rain was going to a harder pour now and the sky was turning darker. I would have to get inside soon. As soon as the mansion came into view, I lowered myself at a lower angle. Pulling back, I landed on the edge of my window seal and jumped right inside. There I found the shocked face of a scruffy looking boy. His mouth was open wide and his dark auburn hair fell into his eyes. He was sitting on my bed eating my leftover sandwich.
We stared at each other before he screamed.
"Wait! I'm not here to hurt you! Please stop screaming..." I tried shushing him to the best of my abilities but he kept wailing.
"Please don't hurt me! I was just hungry!" He screamed and ran to the corner of the room and scrunched down in a little ball.
I threw my hands out in a defensive position. "I wasn't going to hurt you." I said calmly.
I took a step towards him but he shrunk into the wall further. I stood where I was and spoke gently. "I'm not here to hurt you, I just want to know how you got in here."
He gulped. "The window."
I frowned. "The window is fifty feet off the ground, how did you get up here?"
He bit his lip nervously and shook his head. "I just did."
"How-" I stopped when the door opened and Ororo was standing in the doorway with a lot of other students behind her.

X-Men: Dreameater (Book Two)
FanfictionA strangely powerful mutant named Gerard Stevens is out to destroy the world to create a better future (or as he calls it). He has kidnapped Warren's parents and demands Warren gives him the money to create the machine Daniella had destroyed. Taking...