I commanded a deep and warm current of air to push me along the sea. The island was only a few miles away, and I needed to hurry. That Gerard, I would make sure to make him suffer if he hurts Warren. Where was Warren? Had he already found the laboratory? Or was he still on his way now? I shook my head. I was such an idiot. If I had known it was a trap before I wouldn't be in this mess.
I hope he was OK. I had so many questions that needed answers that I didn't have. Why was Gerard doing this? Why did he set up a trap? And why did he want to take over the world? It didn't make any sense. He was very powerful mutant. He could control me when I dreamt. And if I hadn't woken up, I would be dead by now. Has he done it to Warren? Or is he just toying with my head?
All of these thoughts just gave me a chronic head ache. I would have to focus on flying and reaching Warren. My heart sank as I thought of him. It would be on my head if anything happend to him. I should have gone with him before anyway. Curse being sick.
The sun was now setting over the horizon. It would be a long time before I would be able to search for him. If I could even find him. I just prayed at this moment he was safe.
I woke up feeling really stiff. Sleeping on a couch was not a good idea. Especially when that involved staying up almost all night so people wouldn't accidentally come in. All night I had thought of my parents. I hoped they were OK, no matter how many times we had had fights and bickered.
I rested my head against the arm rest of the couch. I wonder how Dani was doing. I really hoped she was OK and she wasn't sick anymore. I felt so empty without her here. I missed seeing her smile everyday.
I groaned and rubbed my face in between my hands. It was time to go. I got up stiffly and approached the door. No one was around so I snuck out quietly and tiptoed towards the edge of the boat. No one in sight. I pushed myself off the edge and was suddenly in the air. The sun stung my eyes as I faced west. I didn't see any land in the distance so it would be another long flight. Too bad I didn't know exactly where I was. I would have to just wing it.
I cracked a smile at the inside joke. All I knew is that I was supposed to find some town called Brugge and work my way from there. I didn't even know if I was close or far away. And what if I did find this creep? Should I hand him the money and be done with it? What if he doesn't hand over my parents when I do give it to him?
There were so many possibilities of what could happen it made my head spin. I flapped on enjoying the sound of the waves and the sun on my back. It was a good day for flying so I shouldn't get worn out. I sighed. All this to find my parents and rescue them. Why did this have to happen to me? Right now I could be enjoying my time at the mansion. Right now I would be with Dani, I knew that. Just the thought of seeing her beautiful face sent my heart flying.
I smiled at the many memories of how easy it was to make her blush. Did she even realize what kind of effect she had on people? She represented hope, freedom and above all, strength. I had not heard of any woman going through what she had her whole life. And the strength she had to not kill her "Trainer" and "Healer". If I had ever been through something like that I would kill them on the spot.
But Dani wasn't a killer. She wasn't meant to be. I was very lucky to be with her. I think any man would. So why did she choose me? She could have any other guy she wanted, and yet she chose me. Why? I wondered what she thought of me. What was I to her? I knew what she was to me. Whenever I would see her face, my heart skyrocketed. When she blushed, I thought it was the cutest thing ever. Her eyes were like daggers whenever she looked at me.
She was the most graceful person I knew. She knew how to lighten the mood when things were bad, and she knew when to help someone. She drove me to do the things I did everyday. Whenever I saw her, I would be happier. Knowing that she was happy to. Yet as strong as she was, she was still vunerable. She could be broken, but I wasn't going to allow that. Ever.
When I saw her again, I would make sure to ask her how she felt about me. Sure we were dating, but I never really heard it from her in person. If she asked me, I would tell her.
What would I tell her?
I would tell her she was the most beautiful girl in the world. I would tell her that I loved everything about her and that I was happy to be with her. Hopefully she would tell me how she felt too.
Only then did I notice the sun was high in the sky and the boat was no where in sight. All there was was blue sea and the sound of the waves. It felt so desolate out here. Like a desert, only wetter. Physically I was just fine, but mentally I was tired. I wanted to find my parents soon and kill the phsyco that held them captive. As soon as I rescued them, I would head straight to Westchester. Then what? Act like this whole thing never happened? I think not. So what if I didn't kill this man? What if he got away with the money and still threatened to destroy the world as we know it?
I didn't have an answer.
Come one, is it too much to ask to fly faster? I flapped with all my might but I was just wearing myself out. There was a tugging sensation in my gut as I commanded the air current to lift me high in the air so I could see my surroundings more clearly. I hoped I would find Warren, I just couldn't think of what would happen if I didn't.
So what would happen when we did find Gerard? I would make sure to make him pay. I would make him pay for making me suffer all those years. I would make him pay for setting up a trap. And if he ever layed a hand on Warren, he was dead to me. I blinked.
Hang on, where did this killer edge come from? I wasn't blood thirsty. Was I? I was just so angry that he dared to toy with me, and with Warren that I guess....I guess I was just angry. I didn't even have the strength to kill Healer and Trainer. But they were my mother and father. I shuddered at the thought. They kept me away from the world when they could have let me live a normal life.
Well as normal as it gets when you're a mutant.
I just always wondered why. Why didn't they help me? Why did they let so many bad things happen to me? They were my parents so why would they hand me over willingly and hurt me and not care? Why, why, WHY?
I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I was so muddled over with my emotions that I just wanted to curl up in a ball and hide away from the rest of the world. Where was Warren when I needed him? I wanted to tell him everything, but that would have to depend on whether I found him or not.
The thought of Warren made my chest tighten and my heart sink. I wished he was here right now, he would know what to do. But he could be a hundred miles away. I regreted not leaving sooner, maybe I could have caught up to him by now. Maybe.
I rubbed my temples hard. I needed to focus on finding land. It would be dark soon and I will be tired. I wouldn't be able to get any sleep anytime soon. I sighed and looked at the sky. The stars were starting to come out and twinkle faintly. i watched as the sun went down and finally disappeared over the horizon. The sky seemed so dark and dotted with so many stars then in Westchester. Was it because the lights of the city were always on?
I tried finding the constellations that I read about. The Big Dipper, Draco the Dragon, Orion, Castor and Pollux, there were so many I couldn't name them all. Maybe these were the same stars Warren was under. I hoped he was OK, I wondered if he was thinking of me. I knew I was thinking about him for sure. The thought made me blush. I was glad he couldn't read my mind. If he ever did, then surely I would be embarrased. Then he would laugh at how deeply I would blush. Then I would blush even more. Curse his good looks and charming personallity.
Then a thought crossed my mind. How is it Warren and I are together? I had known him only for three weeks and then I guess we just decided to be together. It had been about eight weeks since I had shown up at the Mansion. So why did it feel like an eternity? And why did Warren choose me? Of course being him he could have any woman on the market and yet, he chose me. I wondered why. I would have to ask him.
I sighed. It was going to be a long night.

X-Men: Dreameater (Book Two)
FanfictionA strangely powerful mutant named Gerard Stevens is out to destroy the world to create a better future (or as he calls it). He has kidnapped Warren's parents and demands Warren gives him the money to create the machine Daniella had destroyed. Taking...